Levi For Christmas

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Guys... I'm just going to warn you that there are MANY FEELS in this chapter.

I'm sorry in advance if this breaks you.

I actually got depressed writing this, that's why it took forever for an update... But thanks for being patient and please read.

I was listening to Vogel Im Käfig while typing this... The song that plays when Eren's mother dies...


Levi for Christmas


            Reluctant. Levi was reluctant to move from his spot. He stared blankly, his eyes empty of any emotion. He was sure he was somewhere between depression and suicidal. What had it been...? A week? Two? Levi lost count after the third day. Time seemed to drag its heels, endless… forever… And there was no way to tell time in this forsaken prison.

            Blood, it was mostly dry now, covered his wrists. His shackles had caused them. Levi was tired of them holding him back, holding in place, holding him down… Keeping him here, trapped, with no way out… He had thought about breaking his wrists so that he could take off his shackles… But he didn’t have the strength to do it… He wasn’t motivated like he had been the first couple of days staying here. He wasn’t as eager to escape… He felt weak. He couldn’t move much. He was always tired.

            Fate, was a word that Levi had come in terms with. Everyday Shitwin made it his objective to remind Levi that… Eren wasn’t coming for him… That he was staying… That Levi belonged to him… And at first Levi would argue with Erwin… But after several beatings, Levi learned to keep his mouth shut. Another thing that Erwin made appoint to tell Levi was that he always won. Win, was in his name… (Er-win). No matter how hard Levi fought, the result was constantly the same. Erwin had the upper hand. He always did. He would never let Levi win. He wouldn’t let him escape… Erwin wouldn’t let him out of his cage… It was to the point that Levi hardly got off of his bed other than to clean, bath, or model for Erwin.

            Depression. Levi found himself in a slump. He wasn’t really ambitious to escape anymore. He wasn’t motivate… Eren won’t come for me… The thought had basically been beaten into Levi by now. The bruises on his face, his arms, torso… all of his bruises could vouch for him. But despite being unmotivated, Levi still filmed himself almost every night… He thought his efforts were for naught nevertheless… it was his only beacon of hope, even though he knew he would be able to escape. Levi frowned as he pulled his wings around his body. He was tired… Maybe that was because he hardly had time to sleep. Actually, it was more like he couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was because he was stressed, he didn’t know.

            Cold. Levi was shaking in his bed. The feathers on his wings were falling off… Levi briefly wondered if he was getting sick or something, but he didn’t really care… He’d rather die than live here any longer. He found himself getting thinner than he already was because he ate less. Levi had been slowly starving himself, hoping that maybe one day this torture would stop. There had been several times throughout staying captive here that Levi thought about… ending it all however Levi never had the chance to try.

            Terrified. Levi was utterly terrified of what Erwin might do. He knew that the bastard was up to no good. This was probably another reason why Levi couldn’t sleep. He was afraid Erwin would come for him while he was asleep and he would be even more defenseless. Levi was terrified that Erwin would beat him… That he would hurt him more… That Erwin would rape him like he did when Levi was trapped by the crazy scientists. He knew that Erwin would… It was just a matter of when. And when was coming a lot sooner than Levi wanted it to happen. It was in a week… no maybe a couple days perhaps?

Levi's Wings of Freedom (LevixEren) Shingeki no KyojinМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя