Chapter Three: The Following Days

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~Faith's POV~

I wake up to the pounding of my head. My eyes, throbbing from the bright sunlight streaming in through the window. Why? Why, why, why, why, why? Oh my god, my head! Someone hitting me on the head with a jack hammer would've been better than this.

Lightheaded, I sit up from my bed and rub my temples. Wait, my bed. How'd I get home last night? What even happened last night? Fudge! If this is what alcohol does to you, I'm never doing that again. Okay, think. I got to the party, swam and talked with Sterling, found Lexi at the bar and had a couple drinks, then I danced.

Why does it seem like there is more to the story?

I reluctantly stand up and walk to my bathroom. After popping a couple of Advil in my mouth and shoving them down my throat I realize that I called Christian to bring be home last night, maybe he knew something.

Quickly, I jog down stairs hoping he's awake. As soon as I get to the kitchen I recognize the smell of burnt toast and the yelling of curse words; because he is too stupid to know that you don't pick up toast right out of the stinking toaster because it's hot.

"Only you could burn toast Christian." I giggled.

"Oh good your up. Hopefully now you can enlighten me on the events of last night."

"I was actually hoping you could do the same."

"Why should I be able to, I wasn't there."

"I don't know, I woke up in my bed with the last thing I remember being that I was dancing."

"Well I found you passed out while your stomach was bleeding and Alec was fighting some guy."

"My stomach was bleeding?"

"Yeah. You'd fallen on a broken beer bottle seemingly." He acts as if that's an everyday occurrence! I lift up the new shirt I was miraculously wearing to see a long red line across my gut.

"Wait, did you say Alec was there?"


Something happened last night with Alec, but I couldn't put my finger on it. He was fighting someone? I racked my brain with possibilities of what happened last night until I came upon the truth.

He cheated.

That dirty son of a gun! Good for nothing, low life neanderthal! Typical boy. All they care about is sex and when he knew he wouldn't get any from me he had to get it somewhere else! And of all places; Danielle! He knew our past together and he went and did that. It was like he literally was stabbing me in the chest repeatedly. After all that I'd been through. I thought he loved me...

I was soon snapped out of my trance when Cristian started shaking me by the shoulders. I guess my breaths must've quickened because I found my self struggling for air. I can't have another break down like last night with Sterling. Why was I upstairs with Sterling again? He was probably just up there to tell me about Alec.

"Faith are you okay?" I probably should've slowed my breathing down.

"No." Was all that I could mutter out.

"Tell me what happened. Please."

"H-he cheated on me." Cristian stared at me waiting for me to continue. "With... Danielle." I finished. The look of awe he had on his face was as if I had told him the world was ending. Which, mine was. The sky had come crashing down with reality as its gravity. And above all things I didn't know what to do. My life was repeating itself and once again I wasn't prepared.

He took me into his arms and gently rocked me back 'n forth and then spoke, "It's going to be just fine Faith. Okay?"

"No it won't."

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