𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9

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10:00AM on the dot. The green man awoke, well not really awoke but yknow, the ghost version of waking up I suppose. He stretched out his limbs, watching the green blur become a bit more visible as his eyes fixated to the light; being dead is so cringe and weird not going to lie. He grabbed his green cloak and swung it over his body, tying it together with a similarly coloured dark green string. Adorning his favourite green and white bucket hat, Phil walked out of the attic and made his way downstairs. Ever since the boys moved in, the ghosts were sort of kicked out of their own rooms, but they didn't really mind all that much. Techno chose to take the basement as that was there he trained his fighting skills, Wilbur took Techno's room after his constant insistence and Phil took the attic. It was nice to have a change of pace, whether that be a new living arrangement or some new people.

Instead of being greeted with the normal cold environment the kitchen had in the mornings, Phil saw the blondette child hunched over the oven trying to cook... something. Phil floated over and peered over his shoulder. Two semi-burnt eggs were stuck on the bottom of a frying pan, Tommy trying desperately to scrape off the burnt food. "Tommy?" Phil asked, his voice echoing slightly due to his ghostly form. "Shit. Good morning, Tubb- Oh, hello there, Phil." Tommy jumped slightly at the sudden voice, turning around and smiling softly at the green ghost. "Are you tryna cook eggs?" Phil asked, watching as Tommy just opted to take the entire frying pan and put it in the bin. "Yes I am. But it turns out that cooking is actually quite hard, Gordan Ramsey has lied to me yet again." Tommy crossed his arms and pouted childishly, taking out another frying pan from the cabinet.

"I can help you if you want, I needed to make breakfast for Will and Techno anyway." Phil ""walked"" over to the fridge and tried to open it, his hand seeming to phase right through it. "Too early for you?" Tommy chuckled, opening up the fridge and taking out what Phil told him to; sausages, eggs, bread, bacon, beans, the whole sha-bang. Following Phil's instructions, Tommy started to cook all sizzle up everything he was instructed to. "Why are you making such an, extravagant breakfast today?" Phil asked, watching over the young boy's as he flipped over some bacon. "Its Tubbo's birthday tommorow. We'll be spending the whole day outside but I still wanted to do something nice for him." Tommy said, earning an aww from Phil.

"What? Am I not allowed to treat my friend's right on their birthday?" Phil just chuckled and placed a suprisingly strong hand on his shoulders. "No, no, I just feel like a proud parent." Phil wiped away a fake tear as Tommy scoffed. Soon enough, breakfast was served up for all five of them. Tommy took his and Tubbo's plates up to his room, suprising his friend with an early birthday present as soon as he woke up. Phil took the remaining three plates and put them on a tray. He first travelled down to the basement. Techno was sat on a desk, watching what looked like a Minecraft stream. "Morning, Techno." Phil greeted him, Techno only looked up from his desk and nodded. "What are you watching?" Phil placed the plate down and cocked his head to see the screen, it was Minecraft, that's all Phil could decipher.

"Skyblock. It's a Minecraft gamemode, I'm going to play it but I wanted to research first." Techno explained as he swung on his spinny chair and grabbed the plate and began to eat. He pointed out the bacon to Phil who swiftly apologised and took it away, fucking picky bitch. Phil turned away to leave him to his own plans but was cut off by a voice, "I apologised to Tommy by the way." Techno looked up and smiled softly, seemingly proud of himself. "Well done, you should do it more often." He scruffed the pinkette's hair as he just glared at him. Phil then moved onto Wilbur. Phil knocked on the closed door, earning a quick hum from inside before entering. Wilbur was sitting crossed legged in the air, clutching a few books as he organised one of the shelves. "Good morning, Phil!" He shouted down and waved, almost dropping the heavy books. Wilbur was much more of a morning person compared to Techno.

Phil put down the tray as he floated up to join Wilbur, "Spring cleaning in the middle of December?" He took some of the books of his hand as Wilbur continued to organise, "I got bored." Is all Wilbur said, the two sitting in comftorable silence as Phil and Wilbur finished up their little cleaning spree. "Thank you, Phil." Wilbur smiled as the two returned to the ground, I don't think neither of them could get used to just being able to float everywhere; Techno seemed to be loving the new found power however. "No problem, eat up." Phil handed the brunette his plate before leaving him. Phil made his way back to the kitchen, sitting down at the table and enjoying his own food. Damn that kid can cook, he's already a good baker and streamer, what can he not do. Mornings like these were his favourite, listening to the birds as he ate in silence.


It was now 1pm, Phil was in the living room organizing the board games ready for the next time everyone wants to play together again. His cleaning spree was cut off by Tubbo walking into the living room holding a chess board. "Oh, there you are, Phil." Tubbo smiled widly at the green ghost and immediately started setting up the chess board. "What's up, Tubbo?" Phil sat down on the sofa as Tubbo carefully arranged out the little figures. "You seem like the type of person to play chess. Do you play chess?" Tubbo looked up to him and nodded in response, "I want to get better at chess. I am very intrested in it." Tubbo sat at the other side of the coffee table, watching and listening in awe as Philza explained the rules and roles of each little character.

They started on their first game, Phil won by a landslide. A few games later and Tommy had joined, trying to help Tubbo but just confusing himself too much that he left to go back to editing. Even Wilbur had came through and tried to help Tubbo, but to no avail, he seemed unkillable. That was until Techno came along and semi-forceably taking his place and going up against Phil. It was quite intense. The two of them took it a bit too far and were now acting as if every move was like an action movie. It brought a bit of light into the ghosts bleak life.

Tommy and Tubbo seemed to be a ball of sunshine compared to Techno, Wilbur and Phil. They helped shine up their meaningless afterlife, and they would all be forever grateful for it; whether they'd like to admit to it or not. Sure they were annoying and invaded their house and were very annoying, but they enjoyed the company nevertheless. Especially Phil. He seemed to have subconsciously adopted Tommy and Tubbo as one of his own sons, similarly to how he did Techno and Wilbur when they all met. He was proud to call them his family. He's happy. He's really fucking happy right now. Just being able to spend time with some great people, despite the terrible circumstances, made him happy. Who knows whether he'll feel like this again. He should spend his time wisely..

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