𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣𝟢

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(i just needed to vent)

He wished he could say that this was a one-off occurrence, but it really wasn't. Ever since Tommy had moved into this new house, the nightmares had started to happen more and more. Sure he had his fair share of them in the past but never as severe and as frequent as these ones. It was weird. Terrifying. Tommy soon became scared of sleeping. The nightmares were by far worse than getting in a few hours of sleep, which is why the blondette was now leaned against the kitchen counter clutching a mug of cold coffee at 4am. Not his best look to be honest. This is his second night in a row now, lucking Tubbo hasn't noticed his terrible sleeping habits. He's actually quite good at summoning up his normal energy and pretending like he isn't running on 3 hours of sleep from last week.

He's just hoping to wait it out. Maybe his stubborn conscience will give up and not torment his sleep if he stays up long enough. That's all he can hope for. Coffee isn't going to help for long though. It seems the more he downs the rough brown liquid his baby blue eyes close more and more. He needed something different. Something like... a walk. Yeah, a walk. It may be completely dark out but still, his wellbeing over sight I suppose. He lazily threw the coffee mug in the sink, cringing at the ringing sound through his ears as it clanked against the sink. He basically dragged himself over to the door, grabbing his blue coat and some random sneakers. Going on runs always seemed to give him energy, maybe if he just laps the house a few times he'll feel better.

And that's exactly what he did. It would of been pretty weird to see a 16 year old kid walking around some house at 4am on a very cold Thursday night. I mean, there's no other trace of society for a few miles, so I'd doubt there by someone watching the blonde boy. Tommy's now on lap 4, repeating the lyrics to some random pop song his brain heard to distract himself from the mind-numbing boredom and sleepiness. Jesus christ this was not worth it. Or was it? Fuck thinking is hard.

As he started his fifth lap, his eyes quickly crossed with the figure of someone in the back garden. What. Tommy stopped abruptly, staring at the figure as if it was Santa or the Easter bunny. They were hunched over the garden patch, a shovel of sorts thrown over their shoulder covering up any distinguishable features.

In the blink of an eye, the figure's head craned around to stare deep into the boy's eyes; piercing red. Tommy stood still, his legs seeming to dissapear as all he could do was look around in horror. The figure began to move, standing and turning around to face the boy. He was much taller than him, maybe 7"0 if possible. His hair seemed red, or maybe orange or pink? His eyes red as the blood that was now on his shovel. The man started to walk towards Tommy, taking the shovel hanging from his shoulder and holding it above his head. He edged further and further. Everything else turned black as all that was left was a small scared child and Him.

Him. Him. Him. Him. Him. Him. Him. Him. Him. Him. Him. Him. Him. Him. It was Him. The man who had been plauging his sleep schedule was now infront of Tommy, looming ever closer. It was real, he wasn't just paranoid. Someone was watching him and now his death was evident. Tommy couldn't breath. He couldn't breathe. Who needed to breathe when your about to be murdered though huh? All he could do is screw shut his eyes and hope that it's quick. This is not the way he wanted to go.

"Tommy? Woah, woah are you okay?" Everything stopped, a nearby voice seeming to cut through the darkness and awake Tommy from his nonexistent slumber. He hesitantly opened his eyes, still scared of the man who just infront of him. Instead of seeing those red eyes he met compassionate blue ones, scanning over his disheveled body in panic. "You just kinda.. fell over. Why are you walking around the house at night?" A low voice. Technoblade's voice. How was he out there. "You haven't been sleeping." Is all he said next, Tommy felt him get raised from the ground. How could Techno pick him up? Isn't he dead lol? Now that he's looking closer, Techno seems more... see-able now. His pink hair is actually there and waving in the wind.

Techno continued as he brought Tommy into the house, completely deserting what he was doing before; "I saw you on your first lap 'round but I didn't say anything cause it was kinda funny. Then you just started staring at me and crying, then you collapsed. You mind explaining that?" Techno asked again, lightly treading up the stairs as he carried the 16 year old with ease. His tone wasn't sarcastic or mean like it normally was it, it was genuinely caring and compassionate; sorta like an older brother. Tommy will make fun of him later for this. "I haven't slept for.. 3 days I think." Techno just scoffed in response to Tommy's answer. "Casual. Only 3 days?" This made Tommy giggle slightly, he assumes that was Techno's intent.

"But you should sleep. It's very important, especially at your age. Why haven't you been sleeping?" By now they have made it to Tommy's room, Techno moving to tuck him into bed and sit beside him. The two of them sat there in silence for a moment, Techno beginning to turn more and more transparent. Instead of explaining his situation, Tommy just dove towards Techno, wrapping his arms around the older boy and crying into his shoulder. Techno was definitely taken aback by this, he doesn't know how to respond to physical contact; the only thing he could do was ""hug back"" and rub circles in the boys back. "Is it nightmares?" He asked, earning a slow nod from the tired boy below him. "Ah. What type of nightmares?" He asked between Tommy's sniffles.

"There's a man. A-and he's pink and red. And he has this big long k-knife. And he always seems to follow me. I always wake up parano-noid." Tommy explained in short sentences, Techno humming after he finished. "C'mere." Techno mumbled out, picking up Tommy and moving so the two of them were now in a more comfortable position, Techno's arms still holding the younger. "I'm here alright. I... won't let anyone hurt you or whatever. Get some sleep, okay?" Techno vaguely remembers some weird helpful video for panic attacks he saw a few years back, he just started recycling those words as he combed his hand through Tommy's hair. Despite some pent up anxiety, Tommy gave into his conscience and drifted into sleep, smiling softly at Techno's weird rambles...

(Apologies for the small break, I was a bit sick and got super demotivated but I'm back! Anyway yes, vent chapter cos my paranoia peeked last night and I needed to write haha (please give me anxiety tips i have no idea how to deal with this)
Speaking of writing, if you have any ideas for future chapters (small things like this) then leave them here i suppose. Reminder to go eat, drink some water and take care of yourself :D)

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