
16K 468 890

Words: 2251
Edited by: satanshappychild

The red car cautiously maneuvered between the sycamore trees. The rubber tires beating against the gravel pathway towards the house. The vehicle grew to a slow halt infront of the gates of the large house. "Alright boys, here you are!" A middle aged woman said, turning around to face the two boys in the back seat. "Now, remember what I told you, no breaking anything, your Nan has been keeping this place clean for the past few years now." The two boys nodded their head and burst into giggles as they whispered to each other, discussing what they would do first at the brand new 'holiday home'.

It was barely a holiday home however. It was more like some ancient relic the boys were using as a seperate home to focus on their hobbies and online college. The boys slung their backpacks over their shoulders, the rest of the new furniture would arrive later today in a van. "Alright boys, remember what I told you. This house used to belong to an old friend before the... accident, so remember to treat it with respect." The woman waved them off one more time before disappearing back into the dark woods, leaving the two boys alone infront of the house.

The house wasn't some abandoned Scooby-Doo manor like the boys were told about. It was more of some Welsh cottage sandwiched between the spruce and sycamore leaves of South England. The red brick walls had patches of discolouration, probably due to rain or mold over the years. Vines and ivy covered the walls and window frames, however this may be a stylistic choice as the vines weren't overgrown at all. The gravel pathway was surrounded by some lush green grass, but no flowers or other decorations grew there, just a few trees and deserted farming plots; Atleast for the front that was, who knows what was at the back of the house. The rest of the manor was just as they had expected however, some victorian yet modern looking manor for four. "Come on dude, stop staring at this and let's go in." The boy gently nudged his friend before walking in himself.

The first room was a open area, an enterance way that led to all the other rooms and the stairway. Nothing of too much importance other than a few paintings of some people. The bottom floor housed a kitchen, bathroom, dining area, two bedrooms and a living area. On the second floor was another bathroom, the last two bedrooms and two more spare rooms. There was also a attic and basement but the two boys weren't too eager to explore those yet. "This place has four bedrooms? Huh, that's a lot." The two boys took a moment to just admire the sheer size of their new living area. "Wanna go have a look around?" The other boy eagerly nodded at this, the two of them starting to once again mischievously scheme how they would plan out their rooms. Overall, the house was nice, if anything it was a bit dirty, but the boys could clean up the dust later.

First was the room nearest to the entrance, the one right next to the kitchen. The walls were a lime green and the floors were just plain hardwood. The bed was pushed up against the large window, the two boys could barely see the broken gardening area outback. On the windowsill was a few flower pots, with cacti, roses and other greenery growing out of them; they still seemed to be well kept after all these years. On the well kept bed was a singular photo frame, showing three men of varying heights; but the boys were too occupied with the rest of the room to pay that much attention to it. Thrown around the room in seperate corners were bags and backpacks of varying colours and shapes, most of them being filled with adventuring gear or treasures, I'm pretty sure most of these are fake though; Someone would of sold them off by now.

On a plain white desk against the right wall was a sewing machine with pink, green, white, yellow and black fabrics sprawling out from all edges. "Huh, so this is a woman's room.... wait no that's sexist." One of the boys commented before cutting himself off, the two boys laughing at this. On the left hand side was two weapon holders, one held a slightly damaged yet polished purple axe and the other held a suprisingly sturdy bow with a collection of arrows below them. Right next to that heap of violence was a coat hanger donning a dark green cloak and some black and green sandals. The room gave off a very old chill vibe, the type of room you could easily relax into but also feel like you're living in some ancient museum.

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