𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7

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"Dear Phil, Wilbur and Techno,
I, Tubbo_ and my good friend, TommyInnit, have cordially invited you to our lunchtime getaway at 2pm today. We will provide all entertainment, food and seating." Tubbo ripped off the yellow sticky note from the pack and stuck it onto the kitchen countertop. It was annoying having to wait for the ghosts to individually come and visit them, so instead they had planned a little get together. The young boy had been teaching himself the ghost's song on his ukulele, and this would be the perfect place to show it off to him; and maybe get some future music lessons who knows. He had even gotten Tommy to do the baseline on the piano!

Speaking of Tommy, he had taken the initiative and baked cupcakes and other baked goods; you wouldn't expect Tommy to be a baker and pianist but he is, and he's fucking proud of his skills. The only reason he hasn't done a cooking stream yet is because the world isn't ready for his pure talent. Tubbo walked into the living room, seeing Tommy arranging some cupcakes on a plate. "You almost done?" Tubbo said, leaning over his friends shoulder and watching him. "Close your eyes for a second." Tommy said, smirking slightly as Tubbo did so. He picked up one of the cupcakes and threw it into Tubbo's face, laughing as Tubbo stared at him with confusion and betrayal. "Your a bitch." Tubbo said with a smile, picking up his own cupcake and throwing it in Tommy's face; now the two of them were covered in icing, atleast it tasted nice.

"It's five minutes past two." Tubbo said to Tommy as he checked his phone. "How are we even supposed to know if they're here? We didn't really think this thro-" Tommy rambled on but was quickly cut off by the juxebox whirring to life, the slow melodical music of 'Stal' playing. "WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKERS STARTED PLAYING STAL!?" Tommy shouted out as Tubbo fell to the floor in laughter. The three ghosts soon made their way known in the form of pink, green and yellow silhouettes. Here's a fun fact for you, ghosts can eat food. It's actually really fucking weird to see cupcakes float and then dissapear. Phil and Tommy were talking about cupcakes, the two of them swapping recipes and stuff while Techno stood off to the side; Phil was trying to get him included but he was just not having it. Tubbo had taken out his ukulele and was playing to Wilbur, the young man enjoyed seeing someone else play his songs with as much happiness as he did.

After their own seperate conversations, Phil had brought everyone together with a game of Monopoly. Techno became a lot more louder now as he was trying to explain to Tommy that his "business deals" were shit and no one would accept them. He was technically right, Phil only gave into Tommy out of pity. Despite the constant arguing between Technoblade and Tommy, they all enjoyed the few hours spent together. The two boys couldn't exactly notice it, but it seems as if the ghosts were becoming more visible. You could easily make out Wilbur's textured jumper and beanie, Phil's stripped green hat and scarf; Techno was a bit harder to see, the faint outline of a crown and fur cloak.

After that intense Monopoly game, the five of them lazed around on some coloured bean bags and talked for a bit; Phil was the one leading the conversation as normal. "So, you two stream right?" This caught everyone's attention, especially Tommy and Tubbo. "Mhmm! Me and Tommy play Minecraft and scam 13 year old girls out of their money." Tubbo said, nodding his head and giggling at his own joke. "Techno, Wilbur, you two played Minecraft all the time don't you?" Phil asked, watching Wilbur and Techno go red, or maybe they didn't, you couldn't really tell. "Oh, yeah, we did, it's a lot harder now with the whole being dead thing." Wilbur said, glaring daggers at Phil from behind his back. "You play Minecraft? Poggers." Tubbo said, abruptly standing up and pulling up Tommy by the wrist.

"We can go play together!" Tubbo said, signalling for the ghost to hold his hand, it would be a bit invasive to just grab the ghost yknow. Wilbur chuckled and lifted his hand over Tubbo's, his hand instantly felt like ice, but he'll bear it for the sake of friendship. Technoblade just sighed and followed behind a disgruntled Tommy as all four of them went upstairs to their seperate rooms; Technoblade and Tommy, and Wilbur and Tubbo. Tubbo and Wilbur chose to test out some cool Minecraft mods, Wilbur was amazed at all the different mobs and building blocks. With Wilbur's building advice, the two of them constructed a nice little spruce-themed cottage in the Dream SMP. They even played a little prank on Quackity on his stream, he was quite spooked by Wilbur's sudden appearance.

Tommy and Techno, on the other hand, decided to play some good old fashioned Bedwars. Techno was attempting to give the young boy some tips but most of them were outdated; safe to say the older man was confused as to why axes were better than swords. At one point, Techno had just flicked Tommy's hand away and took out with a team of four with just a wooden sword, promptly shouting "Technoblade neva dies" in triumph. Techno had taught Tommy some much needed pvp tips and Tommy taught Technoblade the importance of shields and axes in newer updates; a very eventful day for the two of them.

"Hey, Tommy" Techno said in his montone voice. "Uh, sorry for the whole attic thing, I just get very possessive over my stuff." Techno said, sighing heavily after saying that as if a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulder. "That was you? Oh, yeah it's okay. I had nightmares for a solid few nights but it's okay." Tommy laughed awkwardly, and then the room went silent, neither of the two boys unsure of what to say next. "Okay, well I've apologised so now Phil won't kill me, I'm gonna go take a nap now. Good night, Tommy Innit." Technoblade soon before walking head first into the wall and dissapearing. Ghosts man.


Meanwhile, on Tubbo's stream...

"Tubbo, as my fellow police officer and judge of the court, do you find George guilty of being an 'uwu soft boy' or not?" Sapnap said, stiffling a laugh as the three boys stood in the court case. "I hereby find Gogy Not Found guilty of these crimes. Now time for his punishment." George screeched his signature high-pitched screech as he was thrown into the lava and burned to death. The three boys were stuck in laughter as they joked around for another hour or so.

While all of this was going on, Tommy was downstairs. He had brought his old laptop to the house and was sitting downstairs on the sofa editing a video for his second channel; the grind waits for no man, he would know he's married to them. He could faintly hear Tubbo screaming and shouting upstairs. His editing spree was cut short by a notification on his phone. He picked it up and quickly searched for it through the sea of Twitter and YouTube notifications. An iMessage from Dream popped up, that was weird, Dream never really messaged him through iMessage, only Discord and occasionally Twitter or Instagram.

Package should be
at your house now
Please go get it :)

As soon as Tommy read the message there was a ringing at the front door. "I'll get it!" He shouted up to Tubbo as to not disturb his Twitch stream. He hopped up off the coach and slid across the shiny floor on his multicolour socks. He swung open the door, "Hello, Tommy."

Sleepy Bois Inc. Ghost AUWhere stories live. Discover now