𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5

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The blondette stood staring at the open door. Tubbo's room. Wilbur Soot's old room, atleast he thinks it was his old room. It checked off all of the criteria; music themed... well that's basically all he knew about the dead boy. That was the reason he was there, something about the brief description of Wilbur intruged the young boy. He opened up the door and walked in, closing the door behind him. He remember Tubbo telling him at breakfast that morning about how he had heard a ghost play the guitar in this very room, it was one of the only experiences they've had with their dead roommates. The music player was still open from Tubbo's last visit. A disc entered reading 'Your New Boyfriend', it was spinning their silently waiting for the play button to be pressed.

Taking it out and swapping it with another one tilted 'Your City Gave Me Asthma', pressing the play button and sitting down on the yellow covered bed. Instead of a soft guitar strum like he had been told about; the music was more harsh, more raw, the singers voice was free and full of passion. However, the beautiful music wasn't what Tommy came for, although it did help fill the empty void. As the lyrics about love and breakups started to play, a figure appeared next to the boy on the bed. He was a pale yellow, the only details he could make out was his short brown hair and beanie, the rest of his body was a blur of transparency and yellow. "Oh, it's you." Wilbur said, his shoulders slumped in a disappointed matter, his voice had a slight echo but it was clear nonetheless. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" Tommy jumped up and crossed his arms annoyed, he was not gonna take this shit from a dead guy.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding, it's nice to have some company." Wilbur reached his hand out to pat his shoulder but took retracted when he realized it would just phase through the boy. "So, why hath thou summoned me?" Wilbur asked, pushing himself up off the bed and began to float-pace around the small room. "Just wanted to ask you some questions, that's it really." Tommy said, watching the ghost boy float with curiosity. "Well Phil would be better for this type of stuff, but shoot!" Wilbur sat down on a nearby desk, fiddling with some desk trinkets, although he wasn't able to actually move them. "So... how did you die?" Tommy asked quite abruptly, causing the middle aged man to laugh shortly, "Oh, you're just jumping right into it huh? Well, if you'd really like to know, it was a car crash, around 2019? Yeah, 2019, man time flies when you're dead."

Tommy nodded as Wilbur continued to speak, "Why are you so interested with my death anyway? I'm sure there are better things you could ask, like what happens after you die?" Tommy thought about that, why did he ask that? Maybe curiousity? Who knows at this point, he's already forgotten at this point. "Don't know." Wilbur deadpanned, rubbing his face in dissapointment of the gremlin child. "Well, anything else? I'm hear all century." He giggled slightly at his own bad joke. "How did you get here then? At this house and shit?" Wilbur went silent, deep in thought. "That's... the one thing I can't answer. I did stay in this room for a week or so, I was probably the last one too since all my old decorations are still up." Wilbur's hand phased through the wall and the poster.

"But this place wasn't my real home, I expected haunting my office in Brighton. Or maybe the beaches would be nice, I could listen to the late night guitar players like I used to. OOH, if I could pick anywhere I would definitely pick somewhere in New York, the alley way streets there would be a perfect place to scare the shit out of some American citizens." He cleared his throat after a long period of rambling, "But, uh, long story short, I have no idea why I'm here." Wilbur had used up some of his strength to change the YCGMA disc to one called 'Your New Boyfriend' it was a lot more upbeat than their own conversation but his singing was basically god-like. "Well then, now that you've had your questions, I need to ask a favor of you." Tommy hadn't even got through half of his questions but whatever. "Ugggggghhhhhh fine. What'd you want, Will?"

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