𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 14

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"Technoooo! Hurry the frick up! We're gonna be late!" A childs voice could be heard from behind me, quickly followed by that same child threw his body wait onto me. "Damn you're heavy, what do you want?" I giggled back, finding it hard to stay mad at my friend as he calmed down and took a seat on the table next to me. "I wanna train. We haven't done it in like a day and our competition is next month!" The boy whined, pouting more as he crossed his arms and tried to look as intimidating as possible. "We have a month, calm down. And I need to study, I have a History test tommorow and I've spent all my free time dealing with you~" I put down my book to grab and tickle the boy, hoping that small action would be enough to make him leave me alone for a bit. "S-stop it! Hahahahah!" He giggled out, cheeks flushed red as he tried to escape my grasp.

We both eventually got tired of all the tickling and I let him go, watching him run over to the other side of the room and pull over a beanbag to sit in. "How long till you're done studying?" He asked again, rocking back and forth as I sighed at his persistence; how can kids have so much energy, he's only a year younger than me too! "Not too long but it's getting late. By the time I'm done you'll have to go back home." I explained, opening up my book on the Wall Street Crash and beginning to make some notes. "Aw, come on. When can we go and play then?" He asked again, throwing his head back and groaning again; he's such a child.

"How about this. If I get a 70% or below then I'll spend the entire week training you. If I get anything higher then I get my free time without a certain someone annoying me." I explained, flicking his forehead as he thought over the deal. "70 to 30, that's higher odds and I have nothing to los-" "Oh and I should've mentioned, I win and you have to do give me 5$." "THAT WAS SLY! But fine."

I knew full well I was going to pass that test, I haven't failed an exam since that Christmas wordsearch 3 years ago. Yes I'm still salty about that, I don't understand why 'snowflake' was so hard to find.

The next day quickly arrived, the test was easy, the Wall Street Crash isn't that hard of a subject when your teacher overexplains the entire history of Germany to you every lunch period. The school day had came to a close and I was now waiting outside the bus stop nearest to my house. I didn't have a bus to catch but I knew that my friend did and I wanted to rub in his face how great I am at school. We have always had this little competitive rivalry when it came to almost everything; fencing, school grades, after school sports, even the little things like who can get dressed for school the quickest.

The bright yellow bus pulled up into the stop, the bus driver opening the door and letting the floodgates or children pour out. Through the crowd I could make out a luminous green jumper, swerving in and out of the crowds of 9-year-olds to find him. "Techno!" I heard him shout, waving his hands as he literally forced himself through the crowd to reach the older. "Jesus christ there's so many kids here. We need to get rid of some of them." I joked around like I always did, earning another slightly concerned glare from the younger. "You always say stuff like that in a very weird tone. If you get arrested for murder I ain't bailing you out!"

A few years back when me and Dream first met, we built a treehouse behind our gardens; it's been our hangout area ever since. It was pretty simple yet an impressive build for children who were barely even 10; granted our parents helped a lot. It had a table, a place to hang the stupid clothes Dream insisted we buy, beanbags and a few stuffed animals and finally a bunch of random decorations and plants thrown around in the corners to make everything seem more lively.

"Hey, Dream. Wanna know what I got on my test?" I asked him, fishing around in my backpack for the test paper. "Sure." Dream replied, sounding a lot more unphased then he normally is to these things. I took out the paper and quite literally shoved it into his face, "Read it and weep, Dream! 100%" I boasted, watching as he took it off his face and looked over it. He smirked at me, diving it into his own bag to retrive a piece of paper. "Funny you say that, I got some test results of my own." Dream explained with a devilish smirk, showing me his own test paper.

"100% on your math test? That's great, Dream." Techno never really congradulated Dream on test results but Dream had mentioned before that he was always bad at maths, atleast he's getting better. "Yeah I know. Since I did so well, why don't you congratulate me with some extra training?" Dream asked, leaning forward in his bean bag and trying to convince me with his puppy eyes. "Fine." I sighed, I wanted to do some training anyway. I stood up and grabbed our fencing equipment, Dream cheering as he helped me gather everything and bring it outside.

I passed Dream his sword, watching as he clipped on his plastic smiley face mask. He never gave me an actual answer as to why he wears it, it seems more of an annoyance than something to help him, but no one's stopped him yet so it's not my business. "You ready?" I asked, pointing the silver blade in his direction as we both got into our fighting stance. "Are you?"

× × × × × × × ×

"Aw Techno, come take a look at this." Phil called over the pink haired boy as he searched through a box of old belongings. Phil was the first to notice that boxes of their old belongings and memorials would just show up in the basement or attic. No one knew how or why they had just showed up in the house, but then again they were ghosts so who are they to complain. Today was one of those days and Phil was eager to fish through the box for hidden mysteries, Techno not as much. He stood up from his desk and came to kneel down by the elder, "What now?" He asked, rubbing sleep out of his eyes as Phil shoved an item into his hand.

It was a photo frame. The frame was a simple white colour but the actual picture was more important. It was a picture from his childhood, a memory from when him and his good friend Dream won the National Duo Fencing Competition; very specific but who cares. A smile crept up onto his face as he remembered how happy the both of them were that day, all their hard work and hours of training paid off. "Who's that weird kid with that scary mask?" Phil asked, peering over his shoulder and pointing at the boys. "An old friend of mine, we did fencing together." Techno explained, standing up and making his way back to the desk to find a place to hold the photo.

He decided on placing it on his computer desk itself, tucked behind and right inbetween his monitors. "That's a nice place to put it." Phil remarked, once again coming to stand next to Techno. "It is, remind me to message him again." Techno nodded his head before leaving up the stairs to go bother Wilbur or whatever he did all day. "...Wait, message him? You're dead what do you me- Oh, Techno you idiot."

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