𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 12

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"Tommy, catch!" Wilbur shouted to his younger friend across the room, tossing a book across to him. He didn't catch it, Tommy never went to P.E class. He grumbled and placed it on a bookshelf in Wilbur's room, smoothing the books over so none stuck out. Today was Tuesday, 3pm. Wilbur was currently unhappy with the mess of his room, so he had hired Tommy to come clean it with him. Things hadn't gone exactly as planned, they had gotten through one bookshelf in an hour. "Right, next boxes up on the wardrobe." Wilbur commanded, pointing a semi-transparent finger up to the top of the dark brown wardrobe. Tommy sighed, hoping that the boxes wouldn't absolutely crush his body with it's contents.

Luckily it wasn't, it only seemed to hold a few items if that. He placed the box next to Wilbur on the white-sheeted bed, Wilbur waiting with anticipation to explore something new. He took out a pair of scissors and used one side to slash the tape apart and open up the box. An old camera, a few random cables and some travel books full of pictures. "Is this your stuff, Will?" Tommy asked, shifting over slightly to allow Wilbur to search the box himself. "Oh! I took a trip 'round Europe with some friends, I put all the photos and recordings in this box for safe keeping. Look through the black photo folder!" Wilbur smiled softly, seemingly recalling long lost memories as he passed the light box to the younger. He took out the small black folder in question. It could fit in his hands and it seemed to overflow with inside jokes and untold stories.

"Ah! That one is when I met Kai and Jack, we spent the night drunk at the Thames River. I really miss them." Wilbur sighed contently, leaning over Tommy's shoulder as he recounted stories from him and the two others. "Jack and Kai? They visited about a week ago yknow." Tommy mentioned nonchalantly, expecting that Wilbur was already aware of it. They may of not met yet but he was probably still haunting the halls and witnessed their visit. Tommy could feel Wilbur tense from behind him, the ghostly hand on his shoulder seeming to shake with panic. "Wilbur?" Tommy asked, turning around to face the piss yellow man.

"Sorry sorry, just a bit cold is all. Can you go close the window?" Ah, nevermind then. Tommy was just overreacting, he tended to do that sometimes. After closing the window and returning to the bed, they continued to scan over the photobook. Some of Wilbur's bandmates, his ex-Girlfriend (that was a very awkward conversation), an old YouTube channel group called SootHouse. Wilbur seemed like a very social person, he had a wide variety of friends. "Have you talked to any of them after your.. demise?" Tommy asked, still a bit creeped out on casually talking about a dead person. "Firstly, big word, congrats Toms. Secondly, no. You and Tubbo are the only real life people we've talked to after we got to this house. I do wish to speak to them again, especially SootHouse, things didn't end on that bad of terms with them at least."

The air started to get tense, Wilbur ended his conversation on a bit of a negative note. Luck for the both of them, Tommy was good with getting out of awkward situations, "So does this camera have like vlog stuff? Wilbur Soot vlogger era?" Tommy joked, bringing Wilbur back with a little chuckle. "This is a few years back so I may look a little bit different. Here, we'll set it up on the TV." Wilbur's hand seemed to phase into existance as he took the camera from the gremlin child and haunted down the staircase, Tommy following behind as he hummed the Wii Shop tune.


"Okay, uhm. Shit this is confusing. Wilbur!" The camera shifted, seemingly getting passed to a seperate person. The camera swapped views to show a woman and two other people, some others were in the background. "Rhianna, are you doing the intro?" A English accent spoke this time - most likely Wilbur - as they adjusted the camera to fit all three and the building in frame. "Yep! Just like run back a few feet, Will." Rhianna smiled, nodding as she ushered the boys so they looked presentable. The camera began to shake as Wilbur ran foward, dashing towards the group, "Oh my god, are you guys SootHouse? I'm your biggest fan oh my jesus. Oh my god is that David?" The group burst into laughter as Wilbur's act fell apart and he collapsed into a fit of laughter in the middle of the circle, the camera pointed towards the floor.

"Come on gentlemen, and Rhianna, I bet the people inside are staring or something." After calming down from their laughs, the group made their way into the convention centre; VidCon 2019. Wilbur decided to skip forward on the footage, stating that the first few hours were just him and the group patrolling the convention halls. He stopped about halfway through. Half of the group has buggered off to somewhere and now it was only Wilbur and three other dudes, three completely new people. They were sat at a football field, Wilbur propping up the camera so it pointed at him and his camera, the three other dudes just about fitting into frame. The one on Wilbur's left had short brown fluffy hair and was scrolling mindlessly through his phone. The two next to them looked much more familiar, one had brown hair similar to the other guy and the next one had long red and black hair and a leather jacket. Jack and Kai, so they were besties.

"What are you gonna play, Will?" The guy next to him asked, placing his phone down and leaving it in the grass to focus on the guitar. "What'd you want, James?" Wilbur instead directed the question back to the man, James, who opened up his phone and scrolled through his Spotify playlist. "Artic Monkeys? I know you've learnt a few of those."  James replied, Wilbur nodding and preparing the songs. They played for the next half an hour, after a while Jack and Kai had to leave and go home and some fans came round to observe the two. Wilbur played some of his orginal songs which Tommy thoroughly enjoyed and then packed up.

Wilbur decided that was enough and took the SD care out of the PC, much to Tommy's annoyance. "Hey I wasn't done watchin'!" Tommy shouted, trying to tackle the footage from the ghost. Turns out it is very hard to tackle an invisible person. Tommy soon gave up and collapsed into his chair, his exhuastion soon catching up to him. "Fine, fine! I give up, you can keep your secrets." Tommy pouted, shooing Wilbur out of his room after he placed the camera away. Tommy opened up YouTube, adiment on confirming his theory. He searched up 'James Marriot', remembering he heard one of the fans mention it. He scrolled through the videos, finding one video in particular with Wilbur in the thumbnail. It was a 'You Laugh You Lose', basic but a good video nonetheless.

The video didn't answer any of Tommy's questions about the Brit, but he did learn more about James and his friend group either way...


Phil knocked on Techno's door, knowing who was inside due to the loud guitar strums; he opened the door soon after. "Wilbur? D'you mind coming with me for a bit?" Phil asked, Wilbur nodding and standing up to follow him. Phil led him up to the attic, the room where Phil had been spending most of his free time. Wilbur sat down in a nearby bean bag while Phil searched through his hidden bookshelf, the two sat in a tense silence. Wilbur stared in confusion when Phil handed him a creme covered book. "What's this?" He asked, observing the front cover, all that was written on it was 'Theories and Findings.'

"It's exactly what the title says, theories and findings. Ever since I got here I've been trying to figure out more about our current situation. Your a smart kid, Will, I was wondering if you had any ideas." Phil explained as Wilbur flicked through the book. "There's... a lot." Wilbur sighed, amazed by the amount of writing this book held. "You can take it if you'd like, as long as you return it. You'd probably do better in silence. Dinner's in 20 minutes." Phil patted Wilbur on the shoulder, flashing him a soft smile and leaving for the kitchen. Wilbur stayed in Phil's room for a little longer, scanning through the book's contents and remembering the pages for later.

Did Techno know about Phil's secret theorising? Wilbur assumed so, the two were much closer than Wilbur ever was. He picked up the book, taking a quick look at the secret bookshelf Phil hadn't covered up yet and left, making his way back down to where him and his guitar was. He'll look into that later, he had a suprise to finish.

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