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Date: 17th March, 2017
Time: 3:45AM
Beginning audio log in 3, 2, 1.

"Today is my first day away from Brighton. I came across a nice bloke, his name was [REDACTED], I do intend to keep in contact during my travels but I'm not sure how much time I'll have. I just got out of the airport. I'm still inside the building but it's still quite cold; I'm glad I brought extra layers. I'm not exactly sure what I expected, this is the Antarctic after all. I've chosen to explore here after hearing of some secret society out here, just thought it would be interesting to see. I'm gonna start making my way out I think, I'll keep this updated."

Time: 9:48PM
Continuing audio log in 3, 2, 1.

"I've been walking for a solid few hours now. Everything looks the same, just white and icy. My feet are cold my fingers are cold, I think I've got hypothermia. I'm wearing almost 7 layers but I can still feel the cold. Life would be so much better if I was Elsa, hehe. This audio log thing is the only quote on quote 'technological device' that works currently, I can't even listen to some podcasts right now. As much as I would love to rant to this small device right now, this is purely educational. I'm gonna put this away for now, I'll update you when I find something I suppose."

Time: 3:28AM
Continuing audio log in 3, 2, 1.

"Okay, okay, uhm. So I've found something. I've been walking north for about half a day now. I've booked this hotel of sorts, it's more of just an Antarctic apartment that someone allowed me to stay at for my time here. But I digress, so I was walking, and I came across some person, just in the middle of this snowy plain. He has a dog with him, it's white and tiny and I can barely make it out, but yeah, it's there I think. He's wearing a big puffy coat, I can't make anything else from behind the tree. Someone online warned me off just walking up to strangers in these parts, especially with this cult and all. I have a knife on me so I should be fine but you never know, don't want to risk it. He just seems to be following the dog.
Oh he just killed a deer. Oh that's a lot of blood. Oh no. Well that's gonna leave a stain, haha.

Shit I think he noticed me."

The two mens eyes met, both unsure of what to do. The traveler came out from behind the tree, slowly edging his way towards the man. It was pure silence until a bark interrupted the two, the dog jumped up on the other mans leg. He spoke to it, but the other man couldn't hear, there was still about a quarter of a mile between them. He picked the dog up and continued to pet the small animal, looking back up to stare at the newcomer. He "'whispered'" something to the dog before placing them back down and picking up his weapon; a long blade, probably a katana of sorts. The dog and the man started walking towards the other.

This is not what either of them were expecting in the middle of the Antarctic. But it didn't turn either of them away. "Hello." He greeted him, the dog bouncing around the stranger with excitment. "Oh, hello there." The traveller responded, smiling softly at the eager pup. They stood in silence for a moment, both of them unsure of what to say. "Uh, name's [REDACTED]. And you?" The traveler asked again. "Oh, you're [REDACTED]. Oh, right, I was supposed to come find you." The other man said, completely ignoring the question. By now, the dog had crawled up the newcomers leg and was getting a flurry of love and scratches from the other man. "He seems he likes you." The man said, smiling a bit at the new man's... personality I suppose. "The house is about an hour away, we should get there by the time everyone else wakes up." The man tossed a compass to the newcomer, "It points to the house at all times, just in case you get lost." The newcomer looked at with amazement, it was a bit old but it did the job. He muttured a quick 'thank you' and the two headed off into the snow; talking about everything and nothing in particular...

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