𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 13

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The yellow sun hues shone lightly into the young teen's room, awaking him a lot earlier than he wanted to. He grumbled awake, digging his light blonde hair into a pillow to try to catch a few more minutes of sleep. This was futile however, once you get up you can't get back to sleep. The world is a truly cruel place. He rolled over the bed to reach the bedside table to grab his phone. The bright light scorched his eyes, making him turn it back off and swear profusely. After a few more minutes of waiting, he turned it back on to check the time. '6:04AM'. Oh fuck off. This is way too early for him, he only got like 3 hours of sleep. He rolled out of bed, mumbling something to himself about having a nap later.

He took a glance at himself in the mirror, noticing the state of himself. Tommy made a quick trip to the bathroom to freshen himself out, changing into some sweatpants and a tshirt before heading downstairs.

The kitchen was empty, I suppose even Phil isn't up yet. I mean, it's not that unlikely, it's 6am on a Saturday. Tommy was never the best at cooking, he was more of a baker dude, but he needed something to fill his stomach. He ended up just making himself a bowl of cereal. Tubbo seemed to have an eye for getting the good cereal, if that's even a talent. Tommy sat in silence at the table eating his cereal, fidgeting around with different apps on his phone to please his boredom.

The blonde boy was never one for doing chores unless absolutely necessary. Tubbo and Tommy had made a deal that Tubbo would do chores from now on and Tommy would take the trek out for shopping. One of them really needed to learn to drive. Tommy was this much bored that he had gone out of his way to clean and dry his bowl, it was too early to actually go do something. He slumped back into his chair, tapping his fingers in a rythmic fashion to entertain himself.

Footsteps from the basement shook the boy awake, making him snap his head to the slightly open door. Tommy remembers closing that door. The footsteps continued to sound out, becoming louder and louder as they reached closer to the boy. A black gloved hand rested on the slightly open door, pushing open the rest of the door.


Instead of wearing his normal piggy pyjamas, he was wearing a more, exuberant, outfit. He wore white pants that he cuffed at the edges to show more of his simplistic black boots. At the top was a white shirt that puffed out slightly at the wrists, a fancy collar and handkerchief-looking thing covering his neck. In his hand he held a long blade, the katana Tommy had found a few weeks ago in the basement. That's why he was all defensive and basically jumped the young boy. His face was a similar colour to his hair, a bright bubblegum pink. The normally long straight hair was pulled up into a high braid, it was still well kept together.

Techno noticed Tommy almost immediately, staring at him as if he was a 15 year old caught vaping or some shit. "Why are you up?" He asked, his gaze not moving as he moved closer to the table. "Dunno, just woke up early. Why are you up?" Tommy deflected back the question, his normally smart witty comebacks disappearing when he needed it most. Techno sat down on the opposite chair to Tommy, placing his blade between the two and communicating his intentions without a word. "Ah. So you do fencing? Was this the one down in the basement?" Tommy asked, feeling the handle's pattern with consent from the older. It was very pretty now that he could actually examine it.

"Yes and yes. It felt weird just to let it sit there so I decided to use it a bit more. I guess I just felt more, energetic? Alive? Like I wasn't some dead wandering wretch of a ghost." Techno ranted, taking his fencing sword back to hold it in his off hand. "Why didn't you play it before now? Wilbur said you've been dead for like two years now, couldn't you just pick it up and use it?" Tommy asked, making another bowl of cereal at Techno's request, he wanted lucky charms.

"For most of the afterlife, me, Phil and Wilbur weren't able to interact with any of the house. The most we could do is stomp down the halls and slam doors to scare out adult couples comin' in and chasing them out. But after you and Tubbo showed up we were able to be more, not dead. Phil started making us all meals instead of staying in his room all day, Wilbur has been showing me some new songs and I've been able to go on my computer again." Techno explained, using a spoon he was handed to explain it easier to the younger. "Not really sure how it works but I ain't complaining, atleast I can feel normal again. Phil suggested I do more than just playing video games so I've taken up gardening and fencing, but I haven't told Phil about the second one yet."

Tommy looked quizingly at this as he passed him the bowl of cereal, giving him a silent nod to expand on that. "Phil isn't that big on me using swords, or any weapons really, especially with you two here. I'm sure he won't flip out if I told him, but I wanted to keep it a bit of a secret." Well this is awkward, Tommy's the only one who knows. Maybe he could use this to his advantage. "Hey, how about this. You teach me how to fence and defend myself, and I won't tell anyone, not even Tubbo." He raised his pinkie finger up to the pink haired man, a serious stare in his eyes as he glared at the other.

"Not even Tubbo?"
"Not even Tubbo."

The two were now down in the basement together, at 7am at all times. Tommy was busy adjusting a pair of leather gloves to his hands while Techno watched and held his sword. "Before I start, I would just like to let you know that fencing is not an easy thing. It's all about strategy and being able to predict what your opponent will do next." Techno explained, passing the blade to Tommy and watching as he stared at it in awe. "Okay, okay, so just predicting and shit? I can do tha- Hey!" Tommy grumbled when Techno took the fencing sword back, placing it away in a case and taking out two long wooden sticks. "What the fuck? Why are we using these?" The young boy moaned in annoyance, twirling the stick in his hand as Techno just sighed, it was going to be a long day.

× × × × × × × ×

The time was now 10am, the two had spent 3 hours learning the basics of fencing down in the cold basement. Tommy was annoyed that all he had learnt was how to hold it, but Techno seemed happy that he could talk about something that made him happy. "We've been going for 3 hours so we'll continue this another day." Techno put away the prop wooden blade as Tommy sighed, "Oh come on! We barely did any cool things today!" Tommy grumbled as he looked up at the older, his body turning more transparent after all the energy today. "Yeah. Fuck you." Techno smiled, a geniune smile, before he dissapeared back into his more ghostly form, probably to go take a nap or something. "Fuck you too, wanker!"

Tubbo was lying in his bed, scrolling through his phone and giggling as Tommy shouted across the house to whoever he was harrasing next. He was woken up at about 8 by the shouts downstairs and decided to just lay in bed today and not disturb them yet. "Hi mate." A voice appeared next to him, making the boy litereally scream and fall of his own bed. Phil laughed as Tubbo picked himself up, calming himself and rubbing his head in pain. "Thanks for that, Phil." He grumbled out, grabbing his phone and leaving his room to get make some breakfast.

"Sorry sorry, I was bored and Will isn't awake yet." Phil appeared in his semi-transparent form and followed the boy to the kitchen. "Sure sure whatever." Tubbo was still quite annoyed at the scare but he'd probably forget in like an hour so who cares. The two sat down at the table just like Techno and Tommy did earlier today. "Where's Tommy?" Phil asked, ghosting around the kitchen table in boredom. "I heard him down in the basement, probably doing something with Techno." Tubbo said between spoonfulls of chocolate cereal, it wasn't the healthiest but who cares.

Seemingly at the mention of the name, Tommy burst through the basement door, muttering something under his breath about being betrayed by Techno. "Mornin' Big Man!" Tubbo shouted back, waving a hand behind his back as a greeting. "Oh shit- What are you lot doing up this early?" Tommy asked, sliding up to sit on a kitchen top table and look over the two. "It's like 10am, Tomz. Me and Tubbo are the only ones here who have decent sleep schedules." Phil ghosted a hand over Tommy's messy blonde hair, lightly carding his fingers through to untie the knots. "Sorry I can be more productive at night. Yknow I saw a study about how teenagers are natural night owls, it really goes to show that our school syst-" Tommy began to ramble in his defense but was shut up by Phil shoving a spoon of cereal down his throat. "We get the point."

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