𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8

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"Hello, Tommy." Emerald eyes met crystal blue as Tommy looked up at the older man. "Who... are you?" Tommy asked the adult, confused as to how this man knew his name; maybe he was friends with those two other dudes who knew his nan? He had scruffy blonde hair, light pale skin, slight freckles, emerald green eyes and wore some basic black jeans and a lime green sweater with a familiar smily face.. Wait a minute. "Oh come on now, you and me are best friends." It all clicked. "We're not friends, Dream." Tommy sarcastically said as the two of them chuckled. "What are you doing down here in Britain? Was the Florida heat too much to handle?" Tommy said, inviting the green man inside.

"No, no, no, I... I honestly don't know why I'm here, it was kind of a impromptu decision." Dream confessed, taking a seat opposite to the child on their sofa. "You flew all the way across the ocean for no real reason? That 1000 IQ must only be for Minecraft, huh?" Tommy stared at him in disbelief. Fuckin' florida people. "Wait, so the Dream came to saw TommyInnit before George? Oh just wait till Twitter finds out about this." Tommy laughed as Dream's face went a deep red in embarassment, "Listen, your fucking haunted mansion was closer then where ever George lives okay." That was probably false. The two boys lived near Brighton, only about 13 miles from Tubbo's parents house; while George lived somewhere more central, so he definitely lived closer to all the airports.

"Okay whatever. Why are you here then?" Dream abruptly stood up and ran back to his car, taking out two large cardboard boxes and bringing them in. "Jesus christ, how can you carry all that shit?" Dream placed down the two boxes, one was covered in red wrapping paper covered with his signature smily face and the other was green with the same pattern, "Here you go, Merry Christmas." Tommy took the red one and opened it up, sifting through the different items; a Dream blob cutout, a hat with Tommy's skin on it, a shirt, a jacket, jesus christ this is a lot. "Gonna be real for a second, thank you, Dream." Dream chuckled and ruffled his hair slightly, he was kind of like his older brothers friend that became a brother figure to you after knowing each other for a few months; they had a very weird friendship.

"The green one is for Tubbo, you each have a few seperate gifts." Dream sat back down on the sofa as Tommy continued to look through the box. Right at the bottom was a toddler elephant toy and a pack of pacifiers, "What the fuck is this?" Dream fell down onto his side and wheezed very loudly as Tommy stared at the kid's toy with confusion. "Oh, fuck you. This is not even funny." But Dream wasn't listening, he thought this was the funniest shit since that Church Prime stream. After 5 minutes of back and forth laughing and shouting, Tubbo came downstairs, confused as to why their was so much noise; he stared at Tommy and the weird man as they were spiralled across the sofa. "Who is this?" Tubbo said, standing at the bottom of the stairs as Tommy ran up to greet him. "Take a guess, you can probably tell by his fuckin' laughs."

Dreams eyes were close to tears as he sat there still laughing at Tommy, the blondette heard his friend giggle as he understood, "Oh, hello Dream, I'm streaming right now." Tubbo smiled and gave him a wave before making his way back upstairs. "Tell chat I said hello!" Dream shouted up to him through his wheezes, Tubbo giving him a nod before dissapearing from view. Tubbo sat back down at his pc, slipping on his headphones and adjusting his microphone and getting comfortable again. "Sorry 'bout that chat, Dream said hello." He took a quick glance as his chat went crazy at the mention of Dream, confused as to how the two had talked; that's an answer for a different vlog I suppose. Back with Tommy and Dream, the two had calmed down and were back to sitting down at the sofa like two grown adults.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go now, I'll probably go record an actual vlog with George or something." Dream stood up and watched as Tommy followed, grabbing his laptop and placing the two boxes to the side. "Oh, alrighty then, feel free to visit before you go back to Florida, I'm sure Tubbo would love to talk to you more." Dream watched as Tommy dissapeared up the staircase before taking a detour and walking into a side room; Technoblade's room. It seemed to look the same as it did all those years ago when the two exchanged shitty house tours at 2am, he had a very distinct style. The dirty blonde sat down on his bed, taking in the silent atmosphere; it was somewhat comforting.

But being alone left him with some.. not so nice thoughts. Thoughts about Technoblade. Why hadn't he came and visited Dream? He considered them to be best friends, he had flown across to the UK when he was 16 without his parents permission to come visit him for gods sake! Is it really that hard to come see him once, he's at the house now, why can't he come see him for fucks sake!? He came all the way to some random house to see his fucking ghost, he was really delusional, he's going insane. Tommy and Tubbo, two random kids who have zero connection to him, have became closer to him than his childhood fucking friend. They could so why couldn't he!? Dream knew he was stubborn but fucking hell he can't come and see his friend one last time after his death, after flying all the way here!?

Dream stood in the middle of the room, sinking his knuckles into his jumper sleeves, trying to calm himself down. He sat back down, taking in deep breathes and doing his anxiety exercises. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. He sat down at his desk, finally calming down after his little internal outburst. He turned to the pc, it was still turned on, open up to his homescreen. He grabbed the mouse, looking around for a moment to look for Discord; bingo. He opened the app, switching over to private messages. There was only about 5 other people there, and right at the top was Dream's discord. There was no real reason as to why Dream was on Technoblade's pc, it was more of a comfort to himself that Techno was actually speaking to him. He'll leave the monitors on, just incase he wants to use it again.

Next to the desk was a probably fake golden crown, adorned with little jewels he bought off eBay; it was nice, it reminded him of the olden days. Techno might get a bit angry at him, but that's a problem for another day. He delicately took the crown off the desk, placing it above his own head, parts of his scruffy blonde hair; a crown fit for the king of pissing the bed. Maybe he'll use that crown for something, maybe not, that's a problem for future Dream. Goodbye for now, Technoblade.


"Techno?"  The brunette came up behind his 'brother', placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. The boy was stood at the front of his door, staring at with regretful eyes; if he was a bit more emotional then he may have been crying. "Techno? Mr. Technoblade? You alright buddy?" He wasn't answering, so he wrapped his arms around him in a brotherly fashion; Wilbur and Phil were the only two who could really get this close to him. The hug seemed to snap him out of it, "Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine, Wilbur." He shimmed out of the hug, floating his way over to the kitchen area, Wilbur following close behind him. "You were staring at your room quite sadly, if you need to talk about anything then let me know, I'm the most experienced with this type of stuff." Wilbur took a seat on the countertop as he stared down at his brother figure.

"It's nothing really, just a bit... yknow.. after Dream's visit." Wilbur's eyes widened at this, "Ah, so that was Dream? He looked hot." Wilbur said, earning an angry glare from Techno, "I'm joking, I'm joking. Mostly. Why didn't you go speak to him, you're not that lazy are you." Wilbur said, floating over to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of wine. "I.. don't really know, I just couldn't face him. We don't have any drama or anything, I just couldn't go up and act like I'm not dead yknow." Wilbur just nodded as he took a sip out of the wine, "Vouch, vouch, well you have him on Discord right? You can always just message him." Techno nodded as he hopped up and sat next to Wilbur, "I guess so."

"Oh, and by the way," Techno started, looking up to meet Wilbur's, "Sorry about the argument yesterday. You were right, I should open up to you a bit more. We've known each other for about 2 years now." Wilbur chuckled and patted Techno on the back, "It's alright, Techy. It was early, I was grumpy, it's okay. But.. I suppose you can tell me a bit more about yourself, maybe over a game of chess or something." Wilbur said, smirking slightly as Techno cringed at the use of that nickname. He was never that big of a fan of nicknames, he only really allowed them if he was feeling nice or it wasn't something cringy like ""Techy""; something like The Blade sounds cool. "Sure, sure. Not today though, I'm tired. But I promise, we'll do it one day."

Wilbur mumbled something to himself before lifting up a pinkie finger to Techno. "Pinkie promise?" Techno looked at him with his monotone expression, "What are you five?" He chuckled before reluctantly agreeing and connecting their pinkies together before quickly retracting. "Awwwww, looks like the big bad Technoblade does have a soft side." Wilbur cooed, as he hugged Techno and continued to mock him. "I regret ever talking to you." "Love you too, Techno."

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