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Date: 18th March, 2017
Time: 3:02PM
Beginning audio log in 3, 2, 1.

"Right. Let's see here. It's been about 12-ish hours since I met the man in the Artic. Luckily for me he belonged to the people I was staying with for the next few months, so I was able to learn a bit more about the group. They call themself the 'Antarctic Empire', and there's a total of four other members, five now if I include myself. One was named Pete, he was old and that's all the detail he was told. There was also a younger member called Wisp, he was recently indoctrinated into the group after leaving his last one. Then there was Calvin, a PVP god of sorts who only joined for shits and giggles. And finally, Technoblade, the man that brought me here.

Their home as they called it was the inside of a snowy mountain. They've given me one of the many spare rooms to stay in for the next few months. All of the other members are out right now since they expected me to arrive later so I've been waiting for them to arrive. I've decorated the room a little, mostly just adding some plants and furniture I'd brought along. I don't know how I'll provide sun for the plants while inside a mountain, but I'll figure something out. I think I'm going to go check out the "math room" as Techno called it, that's were all the statistics and all my work is.

Maybe I should change these audio logs to videos, then I could capture both image and sound. That would cost more though, and effort, and time. I'll decide later. I'm going to go check out that room he mentioned until the others return. I'll update later.

Time: 4:39PM
Continuing audio log in 3, 2, 1.

Right, okay, I need to be quick so if I ramble a bit and the audio is all glitchy that's why.

So. I examined the cool science room, nothing special at a first glance. Wisp is good with all that technical stuff so hopefully he'll help me get it all set up. As soon as I finished that the others appeared. Calvin introduced himself first and told me they had a suit for me to wear for tonight's dinner.

I knew these guys were like kinda rich since they sell loads of Artic stuff to the world but just giving out suits worth hundereds of pounds sounds a bit too much. This is good fucking quality too, the inside is a nice dark green too. How did they get my favourite colour too.

Not like I'm complaining though. It's a nice suit, and I look fucking hot. If they just threw out this much money on a suit, imagine what the food is like.

I would bring my audio recorder but it seems a bit rude to basically peep in on a private dinner. I'll leave it here but I'll go over the dinner in the morning, I think I'm going to pass out as soon as I eat. Techno is going to tour me outside tommorow. That means a lot of walking, so I'm going to sleep a lot.

Audio log ended.

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