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Date: 1st June, 2017
Time: 2:47PM
Beginning audio log in 3, 2, 1.

"After living in the Artic for so long, you would think I'd get used to all the cold. Nope! It's been 3 months and I still hate the weather here. I'm glad most of the work I've had to do is inside though, so that's a positive. As cold as it however, the people are nice; if warm was a personality trait they'd all have it. They're lovely people, even if a few of them are a bit.. odd. I'm definitely gonna miss this.

The airplane arrives tommorow evening, so I'll probably leave after dinner tonight. Everything's already packed, it has been for about a week now. I always tend to do this; when I planned my trip here I had packed two months in advance. Technoblade said if he wasn't busy he'd take me down to the airport, I said it wasn't necessary but I have a feeling he'll still insist if he has the time.

Now that everything is coming to a close, I'm not really sure what to do. Me and Wisp went out for a walk yesterday to set up a mailbox and to collect some souvenirs to remember his time in the Artic. We've also promised to write back to each other to stay in touch, hopefully I get to visit them again some time in the future. Pete and Calvin bought me some gifts instead of quality time, not that I mind, the gifts were cool.

Me and Technoblade have probably gotten the closest, we spend all our free times together. Sometimes we go and walk the dogs together, sometimes we scout nearby forests, and other times we stay inside and watch movies or something. Technoblade is nice, if anything a bit closed off. I think he's the most upset that I'm leaving, or maybe he doesn't care, it's hard to tell honestly.

I really will miss all of this. Even with all of the negatives, mostly the cold. The people here are some of the nicest I've ever met, albeit in their own strange ways. I mean, I can't wait to get back to England and see all my friends again, but leaving this place is still gonna be sad. It's a dilemma you know?

I'm not sure what's next for me. I've spent most of my life travelling and researching new phenomenons, I've barely had a chance to settle down before. Maybe that's what I'll do. Move back into that apartment in London and spend a few years there, that may be nice.


I'm not really sure why I'm talking about this on these audio logs, these are supposed to be for research purposes. Eh whatever, I'll just edit it out when I get home. I have to go greet Technoblade now. Once again unsure why I'm actually telling you this, I guess I don't have anything else to document now that all the science stuff is over and done with."

Audio log ended.

Placing the audio log back away in a nearby backpack, ----- grabbed a nearby coat and wrapped it around his form, immediately making his way out of his room and through the home. He spiralled down a set of stairs, hopping off and fidling with a pair of keys to open the door. The cold wind hit his face, reminding ----- to grab a scarf and some gloves so he wouldn't end up with hypothermia. After wrapping up, ----- stepped outside and closed the door, shouting out a quick goodbye to his other house mates before setting out for the back of the house.

Technoblade was exactly where he said he would be; softly sat in the pure white snow and petting a dog in his lap.; how he or the dog aren't freezing without actual layers is a mystery. "Hello Technoblade, hello there Floof!" He greeted his friend and the dog, coming to sit down in the snow with him and pet the dog too; his knees felt like he would give out at any moment from the temperaturea but the dogs warm coat kept him sane. "Hullo." Technoblade greeted, Floof doing the same by curling into -----'s gloved hand.

"So, you've just been sitting out here all morning?" ----- asked, standing up to lean against the brick wall to escape the cold on his legs. "No. Me and Floof went down to the village a few hours ago to pick up your gift?" This perked his attention. "Gift? I thought you said you wouldn't get me one because 'they're tacky and I'll get you a welcome home one when you visit again'". ----- smirked, quoting the pink haired man from just the day before at dinner. "Changed my mind. But if you don't want it that's okay, I can give it to Wisp or Calv-" "Okay you dick hand it over."

Technoblade nodded, a trace of a smile creeping up his face as he dug through the pouch he always brought along with him. He pulled out a black box, plastic and small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. Technoblade caught a quick glance up to gauge -----s reaction; he was entranced. He slowly opened the small box, allowing three green gems to sparkle against the bleak black and white that surrounded them. "Emeralds? Where did you get these from? They're basically impossinle to find!" ----- shouted excitedly, leaning forward to stare at them with an open mouth. In all of his years of travelling he had never once found one; let alone three. Not only are they quite expensive, but miners don't really seek after these gems in favour of diamonds or more expensive ones. Finding an actual emerald out in the wild is a once in a life time opportunity, and Technoblade had just given him one.

He placed the box down on his thigh, lifting up one of the emeralds to show it was embedded into a hook of sorts. "Can you put your own earrings in or should I?" Technoblade asked, holding the jewel next to his ear. "Oh it's an earring, that's why you asked me a few days ago if my ears were pierced." ----- nodded in understanding, taking the earring from Technoblade's warm hands and looping it into the small hole in his earlobe. Technoblade did the same, keeping it in place with a silver back on the right ear, just as ----- did. "What's the third one for?" He asked, staring down at the final emerald with curiousity. Technoblade took that one out before closing the small box and turning to his dog. Floof's black collar held a singular ring that housed his nametag, and Technoblade was able to easily loop it on and let it hang next to the tag.

"Awwww, we're all matching." ----- cooed, picking up Floof and nuzzling him with his cheek, earning an eager bark from the ball of fluff below him. "I saw a blacksmith in the town willing to make some gifts on a short notice. I supplied the emeralds and he made them into these. This way, when you go home you'll be reminded to come visit again soon." Technoblade explained, the shadow of a smile now turning into a full on soft smile on his face. "If I could hug you I would but my entire body is frozen right now."

The day would soon come to an end, and everyone would have to watch the man they now called a friend after 3 months leave them. But that's alright, because he promised he would come visit again.

He promised.

Phil promised.

But sometimes, the universe doesn't let those promises be fulfilled.

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