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"What's your name?" "If you remember it." The pink one peeped in at the end, earning a death glare from the other. "Uh... Wilbur. Wilbur Soot."

"...Soot? As in the chimney stuff?" The pink one asked as the green one helped me off the floor. "Yeah, my... parents are a bit off." The pink one exhaled at this, I assume that was his form of a laugh; he doesn't seem like one for big theatrics. "Why are you two, like, green and pink? Is this Fairly OddParents or something?" Wilbur asked. It was blunt and quite rude but his head was still spinning and he just wanted answers. The two fairy wannabes exchanged looks before the green one spoke up, "I don't think you can really judge us when you're piss yellow." I looked down in confusion at this, but it appears they were right. Instead of my regular pair of sweatpants or jeans, I was wearing... just yellow. Blank yellow. I was entirely yellow actually. "Ah."

"That doesn't really answer my question. Why are we just blocks of colour?" I asked again, a bit ruder this time. Normally I'd try to be nicer to random people I just met and make a good impression but right now is not the time for that. The green and pink one stared at each other for a moment, sharing a somewhat uncomfortable look. "Uh... you're dead, mate."


Everything suddenly came back to me. Like a hard slap of reality across my face. I'm dead. Well that isn't good. How did I die? I think- I think it was-
Why can't I remember that? My last memory and I can't remember it? I can't seem to remember much if I'm being honest. Why is that? God I'm pathetic.

"Do you know how you died?"
"Techno, you can't just ask it like that. Give him some time, jeez." The green and pink one continued to playfully argue with each other. I wasn't really paying attention however, I was more focused on piecing together my own problems. Let's start with the basics. My name is Wilbur Soot. I'm 22 years old. I'm from Britain, currently living in London. I'm a part of a band with a few of my friends. I had a girlfriend up until recently, thinking about her just makes my head hurt more. I can't really remember anymore than that.

"Listen Wilbur, don't worry about the whole memory thing. It may take a while for everything to come back to you. I'm still waiting for my memories to come back." The green one said, a comforting and safe smile on his face as he patted my shoulder. "Why don't we do some introductions? Techno, be a bit social alright." Green man grabbed both of our hands and pulled us over to a nearby couch, sitting us all on different sides.

Green man cleared his throat before beginning. "We'll all go around and say our name, favourite colour and one interesting fact about ourself; I'll go first. My name is Phil, my favourite colour is this shade of green on my cloak and I've visited over 75 countries before I died. Techno you go next."

"My name is Technoblade, I like pink and I have an intrest in blades; just like my name." The pink guy said, a small smile on his face as he mentioned blades. That's concerning. "My name is Wilbur as you know. I like yellow and I play the guitar." Phil looked up at the mention of a guitar, "I'm pretty sure we have a guitar in one of these rooms." Now this peaked my curiosity. Music is very calming to me, always has been I suppose. "Yeah we do. Upstairs room, turn left and closest door to the window." Technoblade explained. I just nodded at this, standing up and making my way up the stairs.

One weird thing about walking is that I just don't anymore. Walking up the steps just turned into floating through them. Nevertheless, I walked into the room. The walls were painted a clear white, there was little to no furniture and it felt, weirdly homey. Kind of like looking into a new apartment and being able to invision your future. Lying on top of the only bed was a guitar, a good guitar too. It was about the same value as my one too, why is this just lying around on a bedroom.

The guitar was smooth. I was extremely tired but if felt so natural to play it. However, all this strumming did make him extremely tired. He'd been more subtly tired as soon as he woke up, but he was just in too much shock and over stimulation that he didn't even notice. He really should've, it was starting to catch up and he felt like he could collapse at any moment.

And that's exactly what he did. He placed the guitar leaning against a nearby desk and layed himself down on the bed, immediately screwing his eyes closed and bringing the covers over himself. Was he about to fall asleep in tight jeans and a yellow sweater in the middle of Summer? Yes but he honestly doesn't care. There's probably no clothes he could change out of right now and his body is too tired to even check. He'll just change when he wakes up.

Techno opened up the door to the plain white room, peeking his head in and looking around. Laying in the bed was an exhausted Wilbur Soot, the blanket half thrown off in some sort of panic. Techno sighed as he lightly closed the door behind him and walked in, floating over to pick him up. He draped it over the older boy, making sure that he was comfortable enough before returning back to where he was at the door. He off all people would know that sleeping uncomftorably led to a lot of back pains and future physical problems, he's just preventing that. That was all he was doing.

Despite only meeting the Brit this morning, you could say that he developed something of a soft spot. He felt sorta bad seeing him wake up and seem so sad and stressed, so he would make an effort to help him with that in his own way. He would never admit to this however, he's quite ashamed of it to be honest. He's Technoblade, the Blood God! He can't have sympathy for some dude he met this morning.

Still, he'll make an effort. It's small little things but an effort nonetheless. To Techno this felt as if he had just sacrificed his first born child to this stranger. God he can be dramatic sometime.

"Are you just gonna watch him?" A voice from behind slightly scared him, but he showed no sign as this as he just slowly closed the door and turned to face the man behind him. "Just making sure he was 'kay." Techno responded in his monotone voice, walking away from the scene and back downstairs to wherever he would be next. Phil smiled at this, having a feeling that Techno and Wilbur will get along swimmingly.

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