𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3

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Day 3 of their new home. During this time the two boys have encountered their fair share of weird occurrences, mostly Tommy, but that didn't deter them. Despite the boys fear of ghosts, jumpscares and basically anything scary, they were determined more than ever to figure out what was happening to them. It would be so much easier for Tommy to call his mother and for them both to move back home but that's what pussies do, and they weren't pussies. The Saturday sunlight shone across the oak wood table, reminding the two tired boys that a new day had arrived. Tommy and Tubbo had stayed up all last night researching the supernatural and how to communicate with them, most of them seemed fake but they were worth a try. For once, the brunette was silent, his emerald green eyes glued to his phone as the two of them ate their breakfast, cheerios obviously.

"You find anything new?" Tommy suddenly asked as he scooped another spoon full of cheerios and milk into his mouth. Tubbo nodded slightly before clearing his throat and lifting his eyes up, "There's this thing called a spirit box. Apparently it moves through radio channels and allows ghosts and the supernatural to talk through, so basically an ouija board board but with sound." Tubbo explained to the blondette as he turned around his phone to show Tommy a picture on Google of a basic red spirit box. "That's all good and all but how are we supposed to get one of th-" Tommy's question was interrupted by a loud slam on the wooden table. "So I found one in the attic." Tubbo smiled innocently, like he hadn't slammed a big red radio looking thing right infront of Tommy's cheerios.

"Right. Do you know how to work this thing?" Tommy asked as he stood up from the table and took his bowl to the sink. "Well not exactly, but I'm sure Google can teach me, or Twitter. Twitter is just so great." Tubbo said as he followed his friend to put his bowl away, hopping up on one of the dark grey countertops. "I'd love to help ya Tubbo but I got some editing to get through. Instead of streaming tonight we could try contacting some ghosts if you're up for it?" Tommy said, flashing a soft smile at his bubbly friend. "Alrighty! Have fun fucking up your posture even more." Tubbo joked as he saw Tommy leave, Tommy only gave him a middle finger in response.

'Always let the ghosts/spirits you're talking to know you're not there to harm or disrespect, that you would just like to talk with them and ask some questions. Ask for names, birthdates, death dates, how they passed etc.' Tubbo read aloud. He was now sat on the fluffy carpet area of the "living room", it wasn't really a living room but it was the closest thing to a living room. "So it's just a very civil, very mature conversation?" Tubbo muttured to himself as he picked up the spirit box to examine it once more. It really was a strange device. It was black with a plastic red brim with a steel antenna. It also had some different sized buttons, but Tubbo had no idea what they did. Most of the articles he read about spirit boxes just told him to wing it and hope for the best, they each control differently. Not the most comforting but hey-ho, whatever works at this point.

Beep boop beep boop. The screen blazed to life, displaying a string of red numbers that probably held no real value. The young boy took a deep breath in, "Uhm, hello spirits! Or ghosts! Or whatever you are, I suppose.. My name is Tubbo and, uh, if you are real can you say hi? I don't really know how all this spirit box stuff works but it would be really cool if we could be friends! I'm sure you mean no harm to me and Tommy and this is all just a big misunderstanding." Tubbo smiled as he fiddled with the spirit box in his right hand, still unsure on how to use it properly. According to the internet, the next thing to do is to change the radio stations so the spirits talk through it. Radio static filled the room, slightly annoying Tubbo as he whizzed through the radio station, his ear held up next to the red box trying to hear even a slight whiper. "Hello..... Tub." The box muttered out. The archives did warn that names may be hard to repeat due to limited speech, so I guess his name is Tub now.

"I-I think I heard you say hello? Or maybe I'm delirious, who knows? But hi! What's your name.. s. There may be multiple ghosts who knows." Tubbo said a bit more confidently, moving the red buttons side to side as he listened intently to the radio static once again. "Will..... Phil.... Tech.... oh." Tubbo placed the spirit box infront of his crossed legs, "Will, Phil and Tech, oh? Or maybe Techno? Those are some... intresting names.." Tubbo smiled awkwardly to himself, the first two were normal but the last one was quite intresting, who names their kid 'Techno'. "Okay, next question I suppose. How did you die? Can only one of you answer at once? I guess we can do it one by o-" A flash of thunder and lightning shut the young boy up, scaring him enough that he dropped the spirit box on the floor; lucking enough it landed on the fluffy yellow carpet and didn't cause any damage.

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