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He hated the feeling in his stomach. It wasn't even a feeling, just a emptiness that he wasn't sure would ever dissapear. The home infront of him gave a feeling of nostalgia for something he's never seen or experienced. Everything felt weird, unusual and he hated it.

He just wanted to stop in his tracks and leave, return to his normal life and pretend like the last month never happened. Living in denial doesn't sound that bad. Of course he knew he couldn't. He would forever blame himself for not doing this. Even if his throat was closing up and tears threatened to spill he trekked forward.

The house held an eerie atmosphere of abandonment. Well, it was abandoned but coming to terms with that fact was even worse in person. He reached a shaky handy up to the doorknob, exhaling another breath to steady himself before attempting to open the door. It didn't open. Well now he felt kind of stupid, why wouldn't it be closed. Any non-emotionally traumatised adult would turn around and just move on; unfortunately he wasn't.

The male moved around to a window at the back, the house was far enough away that he could break and enter without looking suspicous. If the police did show up then he'll just leave I guess, the police are kind of obsolete to him anyway. Using the handle of his axe, he smashed open a window and crawled into the house. I'm sure no one will really mind at the end.

He ended up falling into straight into the kitchen. Who knew a fucking food void would instill such emotions in one person. Different cooking apparells were hung up neatly, looking used yet brand new at the same time. It looks perfect to bake on a sunny warm afternoon with your loved one, that seems like a distant dream now.

He continued to trudge through the house, his shoulders slumped and lips drew in a straight line as his eyes conveyed any emotions he would need to depict. The kitchen led straight to a living room crossed with a dining area. A singular beige couch sat parallel to the black screen of the TV, it was if the couch was screaming for any sort of physical touch, someone to hold and cherish. They were alike in that away. The dining table was still furnished, six plates for six seats. He sat down at the table, glancing over the other seats and trying to imagine the faces of his friends. Only one seat was filled.

He then moved upstairs, trying not to dwell much on the downstairs. Their was only three rooms here; the bathroom and two bedrooms. One was filled with musical instruments and coffee cups, quite messy, he doubts this is the one he was looking for. The next was more clean and pristine, quite empty however. A few shelfs were left barren and only the desk was still left furnished with some stationary and little trinkets. It felt empty, like an unfinished painting. Like someone just gave up decorating half way through and just decided enough was enough.

He took a seat down on the bed, crinkling the pure white sheets by his weight. Not even a bird chirped, seeming to mourn with the other on nearby tree branches. Everything was silent, still and unmoving. It felt dead. I suppose that was the right atmosphere however. The alone man didn't really know how to react, he still was repressing all the emotions despite everything. Emotions are a real tricky thing, after bottling them up for so long it's hard to finally unscrew the cap and let it all go. He stood back up, feeling a weird need to just move and not be still; moving on to examining the desk, hoping that there was something to remind him of those happy memories.

A photo frame. That seemed to send him over the edge. His tears fell onto the reflective glass, blurring his vision as the picture just turned to blobs of colour in his retinas. His knees seemed to give out on him, crashing down to the floor and only having the desk to hold him up. He clutched the photo frame to his chest, silent tears now turning to violent sobs as he lay there in shambles.

"I'm sorry. I should've protected you, [BLURRY MEMORIES]. I promised you the world, [MY ONLY FRIEND]! I let this happen, I could've stopped this. Why couldn't it be me that died! I'm so so so sorry. I'm sorry, [I MISS YOU]. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry...

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