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The man sat alone on a café seat, his [REDACTED] eyes transfixed on the bustling streets outside. He was also intrigued by how other people's lives were; what went through their minds as they left to go wherever they needed to be. He tugged on the scarf wrapped around his neck, adjusting it so it kept him warm yet not too warm. The cold was already starting to pick up and it wasn't even in December! This cold weather was why the boy was here in the first place; needing a paradise oasis from the cold Antarctic that was his apartment, the hot chocolate that this café served his confidant. Despite the low prices and good beverages, the café was still quite deserted, only about 3 other people were here; and this was a busy day. The man may have been an extrovert but he did like the calm and empty atmosphere of the café, it also allowed him to become a bit more closer to the owners and the other regular customers more than he probably would of.

The only music was the low hum of some overdone pop song from the radio, it was no where close to the man's taste but it seemed to fit how he was currently feel; an empty, peaceful bliss. However, this was all interuppted by the sound of a bell ringing near the door, signaling a new customer. In walked a man, most likely in his late 20s, average height - people watching for so long gave the man this sort of weird skill to tell this type of stuff. He wore an average outfit for this weather; some jeans, a weird open jumper thing and an overcoat. The man walked over to the countertop where one of the owners were, striking up an inaudible conversation as the newcomer glanced around the cosy area for a place to sit. It may of been small but there were plently of seats - especially since only about 4 of them were taken - but instead of sitting alone like the rest of everyone, the man started walking towards the other.

"May I sit here?" He asked the other man, giving him a sideways smile as the other man looked up at him. "Sure." Was all he muttured, still a bit bewildered as to why he had chose to sit with him. Not many people were so keen to just walk up to a stranger and become friends, especially in this part of town. "Sorry for just sitting down here, I just moved here and don't really know anyone here yet." He chuckled lightly and rubbed the back of his neck, he seemed nice enough. After a few silent minutes of comfortable silence, one of the owners approched our table, a mug of hot chocolate in his hand as he slid it infront of the mystery man. He mumbled a quick thank you as he held it in his own hands, appreciating the warmth it had given off in contrast to the cold outside weather.

"Did you order the hot chocolate too?" He asked the mystery man, trying not to be awkward anymore, it's not every day that a nice man comes up to you and potentially offers to be your friend. The mystery man nodded and took a sip of it, "Heard this place sells the best, I'm suprised it isn't more... busy." He said, earning a slight hum from the other. "Oh, excuse my rudeness, my name is [FORGOTTEN]. And you?" He placed down the snow white mug and held out a hand to the other male, another contagious smile on his face. "I'm [WHO AM I], it's nice to meet you, [WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER YOU]. His smile had been passed on to the both of them now. If this was some sort of seduction trap then the young man had fallen for it, he was completely entranced by the other. Who was this man, and why did he radiate such an intresting and complex aura. It perplexed the man, he needed to know more about him.

The next two hours were spent talking about each other. [FORGOTTEN] is a traveler of sorts, he'd been to all parts of America and Europe, no wonder his accent was no hypnotic, it was probably picked up from all different places. His favourite colour was seaweed green, he once visited the Antarctic, his favourite taste was caramel and he had moved back to [WHERE AM I] to settle down for a few months before heading back off. They had became good friends in the span of a few conversations even though it felt like they were best friends since they were children, knowing meaningless facts about the other that no one would need to ever know.

That was back in September however, it was now nearing the end of February. The two had stuck together through all the months, they had even moved into an apartment together to reduce spending money; apartments around here seemed to get more expensive every day. But today was a sad day. He was leaving. He would be coming back in two months but still, the two were used to seeing each other almost every day. It was still quite weird how close the two had become, who knew some random conversation at some café who turn into a beautiful friendship.

However the day that he came back would never arrive.

Why did you have to leave me, Phil.

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