𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2

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Fuck. My head hurts. Was I that drunk that last night? I don't think I was drinking that much, did I even go out last night? Must've, no way my migranes are this bad. I try to open my eyes, bright flashes of light appearing between rounds of pain. Alright then, seems like sight isn't an option. Guess we're going through the five senses now. Sight? Already tested that. Sound? It's mostly just incoherent ringing, I think I can hear some outside rain and muffled voices; atleast I'm not alone. Smell? Shit. It's smells like a pig barn in here, maybe I passed out at a farm? Unlikely, there are no farms near Brighton to my knowledge. Taste? .......What the fuck kinda question is that? No I can't taste anything dipshit. Touch? The edge of my fingers seem to be slightly mobile, I can feel a warm soft blanket underneath me, mmmmm, soft.

"Hey. Are you dead?
"You can't just say it like!" Two voices, I think they're both male but I'm not assuming anything. My eyes feel less heavy now, I can seem to open them without immediate pain. I squinted once more; one man wore bright green, another had a more flamboyant pink outfit with what looks like a king's cloak and crown. "See, he's fine! Stop overreacting." The pink man said, a hint of pride in his voice as he elbowed the green man. "Hey champ, you alright? You seem a bit... outta it ya know?" The green one asked me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Mmhmm, yeah I-I think so.." I mumbled out, stretching my arms out so I can rub the sleep out of my eyes. "What's your name?" "If you remember it." The pink one peeped in at the end, earning a death glare from the other. "Uh... Wilbur. Wilbur Soot."


The blondette suddenly jumped out of his bed, his heartrate and breath sped up to an unhuman level. He sat in his bed for a moment, taking in deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down. "What.. the fuck?" The teen gasped out, sitting up and crossing his legs as he tried to remember what his dream was. Let's see, he was in what I think is London, there was a car coming at me, a lot of men (Weirdchamp), some sort of old abandoned house, the blonde recalled getting threatened by a sword?? Man.

After a few more moments of calming himself down, Tommy got ready for the day. It was much earlier than he'd like, 6:07AM, but it was better than going to sleep again and risking another nightmare or whatever that was. Changing into his infamous red and white shirt and some sweatpants, the teen made his way downstairs to the kitchen area. A luminous yellow sticky note stuck out amongst the marble countertops, distracting the boy from making breakfast. "It's probably from Tubbo." He muttured to himself as he peeled it off and read it: "Sorry for spooking you and your Twitch chat yesterday! You're really good at Minecraft by the way, I bet you could beat Mr Blade one day if you train for another 100 years or whatever he says. - Big P :)" Safe to say the young boy was a bit spooked. 'Sorry for spooking your twitch stream?' Is this the ghost that had knocked over those books yesterday? No that's stupid, he's just delirious.

Tubbo woke up soon after him, the two boys discussing Minecraft and YouTube and Women. Turns out Tubbo had a similar dream, but he was in the Antarctic? Yeah, Tubbo moment. "Now that all of the furniture is in, maybe we could move onto the basement or attic?" Tubbo suggested, picking up his plate and moving it into the sink. "I ain't touching the basement, if there's a dead body in this house it's gonna be down there." Tommy said in a joking yet very serious manner. "So, the attic?" Tommy nodded and smiled, "I bet there's some cool shit up there."

The attic was covered with a thick sheet of dust, setting off both of the boys allergies. There was a singular window pointing out to the bright yellow sun and a assortment of different boxes. "Step one, dust. Step two, boxes." Tommy said between coughs and Tubbo nodded. Dancing along to Tommy's music,most of it just being Able Sisters and the Wii Shop Theme as they acted out fake minecraft scenes, the two quickly cleaned the attic, bringing it to much better standard than usual; good enough to sleep in atleast. Tommy moved over to one corner and picked up a pretty large cardboard box, opening up the flaps with a plastic knife he found, it was now his shank.

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