𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1

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Cover art by @ ParasiticPlanTT on Twitter


Maybe coming here was a mistake.

Tommy and Tubbo had only been her for two days and that was clear. Whether it be weird silhouettes in the mirror, soft voices in the dead of night or objects changing positions out of nowhere. Tubbo had convinced himself that they were being haunted, but Tommy had decided that this is a totally regular part of growing up, they probably talked about this in the Minecraft Handbook. This didn't stop the two boys from being extremely paranoid and scared for their life, but the youngest would never admit that. "Tommy!" Tubbo's voice echoed through the now more decorated halls. Tommy heard this and sighed slightly, being interrupted in the middle of his editing yet again that day. He slid his black and red g a m e r headphones off his fluffy blonde hair and arose from his seat, adjusting his shitty posture in the mirror before heading out of his room.

"What's up big man?" Tommy said, appearing suddenly at the top of the staircase. "We need food, we can't really live off fast food. There's a town 10 minutes walk away, you want to head down?" Tubbo asked, looking up from his phone to faintly smile at his friend. "Sure, a walk would be nice. I'll go grab my shit."


The tree leaves still dripped with rain and morning dew, most of it from the thunderstorm that happened last night. There was a lot more rain in this part of England, it is closer to Wales which is known for its shitty weather. Tubbo had wrapped up warmer, donning a grey jumper and yellow scarf along with one of the beanies from the old owner, it seemed to fit his head slightly. Tommy though kept to his gut and continued to wear some grey sweatpants and his famous red and white shirt. "I didn't know we had a town here, thought we'd have to drive down and get it from Tesco or something." Tommy said, the dead leaves crunching under his foot as he scrolled through Twitter, repling to yet another tweet from George. "We can't drive, Tommy." Tubbo laughed as Tommy rolled his eyes, "Well ya know what I mean. Is this place any good though? What if it's just some shit hole with some run down ASDA?" Tubbo thought for a moment before shrugging his shoulders, "ASDA is pretty poggers no matter what state it's in." Tommy nodded proudly at this, "Amen big man."

Tommy was completely wrong. This small little shopping area was buzzing with people, despite looking like some early 2000s village. Their was a café, bank, flower shop, bakery and more in this small little shopping area. "This looks like something out of a movie." Tubbo smiled with child-like glee, walking towards a stone fountain in the middle. "Yeah, it is a lot more cooler than I thought." Tommy muttured to himself, jogging up to join his friend. "There's a supermarket over there, and a nice little café," Tubbo rolled up his grey sleeve revealing a little watch, "It's almost half 1, last one in has to pay!" Tubbo shouted as he quickly dashed off to the café, Tommy quickly trying to catch up with an angry huff. Unfortunately for Tubbo, Tommy had much longer legs and was able to catch up relatively fast, ending their little race in a close draw.

The café had a soft aroma of baked goods and coffee, welcoming the boys with open arms and cheap prices. "I'll pay for this, you pay for the supplies." Tommy nodded at Tubbo's deal and slightly shook his hand, accepting the offer before walking up to the counter. "Oh good morning, you can take a seat in the booth over there, I'll come take your order in a second." The brunette turned around and greeted us with a soft smile before pointing at the booth in the corner, the two boys sitting down soon after. "Hope you're having a good day, my name is George and... welcome to my café." The boy, who was named George, muttured embrassed, seems like someone isn't good at social interaction. "I'll have a tea and scones please." Tubbo smiled up at him, George nodding and scribbling it down, "And I'll just have some cinnamon buns." The boy nodded and tucked away the notepad into his light blue apron. "Right away!"

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