Chapter 6

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*2 days later*

Its been the same for the last two days.

Go to bed around 10pm, wake up at 1am, sneak out to the treehouse, fall asleep and wake up at 2 pm, smoke a cigarette, go to the gas station, and then go home eat dinner, take a bathe, go to sleep and repeat.

Its currently Wednesday, 5am in the morning and I was laying in the treehouse debating on going back to sleep, or heading home to get ready for school.

I sighed and got up, grabbing my things and jumping out before slowly making my way to the house, still debating on if this is the right choice.

I'm sure my grades have dropped drastically.

Reaching the sliding door, I opened it and stepped in before closing and locking it and shutting the curtain.

The house is quiet, super quiet. I quietly walked upstairs and saw my sisters door was slightly open.

I walked over and pushed it open. The room was quite messy, and the bed was empty.

She must've got called in early.

Walking across the hall, I enter my room and close the door, throwing my little backpack onto my bed.

Then I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of mitch-match socks and a matching bra and panties set.

Lastly, I went to the closet and pulled out my school uniform.

My parents prefer private schools so I've been going to private schools ever since preschool. Even thought I live with my sister, my parents are still my legal guardians. All my mail still goes to their house and mom will usually drop it off or my sister would pick it up.

I laid everything out on my bed and just stared at it for a good 5 minutes before finally stripping out my leggings and hoodie that smelled like sweat and cigarettes.

Once I was dressed I put on some deodorant and a bit of perfume and my converse.

I didn't feel like brushing my hair but I did anyways, then I put it up in a high ponytail, pulling out a couple stands to frame my face.

I grabbed my school bag and double checked everything was in there.

Everything should be. The last time I used it was last Friday and I haven't touched it since I hung it up on the hooks on my door.

I slung my bag around my shoulder and grabbed my phone that was only at 68%.

I quickly brushed my teeth before heading out, locking all the doors.

Driving wasn't the best idea so I decided to walk to the bus stop.

There were two people there who I've seen around school once or twice.

They looked at me weirdly.

They must've thought I was new as I've never ridden the bus before.

Nova would usually take me and Leighton to school and after school she would pick us up and we'd go to our hang out spots.

We had our main hangout but we had a couple other ones that we'd go to every so often.

I smiled awkwardly at them and they smiled back.

I put my ear buds in and played some music as I stood there awkwardly, shifting back on forth on my heels and the balls of my feet.

The bus pulled up 5 minutes later. They got on and I got on last.

People on there stared and whispered.

They were probably surprised to ever see me coming to school after what happened to Nova.

I sat all the way in the back.

We stopped a couple more times and picked up more people before arriving at school 10 minutes later.

I stood up and fixed my skirt before exiting the bus.

I got tons of stares as I walked down the halls and to my homeroom.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked up at Jordyn.

Me and Jordyn talked every so often, I guess you could say we were friends but we weren't super close.

I pulled my earbuds out and turned off my music.

"Hey." She said.

I awkwardly shifted in my seat as I looked down at the table that had pencil marks all over it.


"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'll get by."

It was silent for a bit before she spoke again. "I didn't except you to ever come back to school. No one did actually. We all thought you went home schooled."

"I thought about it, but my parents would have to do that and they're still fighting and sorting things out and I didn't wanna bother them."

She nodded. "Well if you ever want to talk I'm here. I'm sure I won't be as good as Nova but I'll try."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"I do have a question though." She said.

"Yes?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Whenever she would come to pick you up, she'd look at you a certain way. Not like a best friend way. Rumors went around that you guys hook up. At first I didn't believe it but then I noticed the way you guys hugged, looked at one another, and everything, not too sound creepy. But you really loved her, like love love?"

"I don't know what your talking about. We were merely just best friends." I lied.

She nodded. "I don't believe you but I won't push my luck."

I chuckled a bit and she smiled.

The homeroom teacher walked in and he spotted me and gave me a sympathetic smile.

I sighed.

This is gonna be a long day.


So far I've lasted all the way to lunch.

I didn't wanna go to the cafeteria so I walked to the football field and sat under the bleachers, pulling out my lighter and a my pack of cigarettes.

I lit one and brought it up to my lips.

"What are you doing?" I asked Nova as I walked under the bleachers after the football game to see Nova hiding there.

"Were gonna wait for them to close and sneak into the pool." She answered as Leighton crawled under the bleachers as well and we sat on the cold grass.

We were at my school, the homecoming football game the Nova wanted us to go to together.

We didn't even watch the game, we just messed around with a bunch of visitors for the other team.

Once the game was over Nova got up and cane under here and we followed her.

"Sneak into the pool? Are you crazy!?" Leighton exclaimed.

"Yes, actually." She said.

"We'll have to sit her for hours before we can even sneak in. Can't we just go to your house and watch those stupid sappy romance films?" I asked.

"Later. For now, get comfortable. Its gonna be a long wait."

XxxParisBesties 🥰

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