Chapter 25

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After my much need bath, I sat on the floor of the living room as my mom combed through all the knots in my hair.

"Its nearly lunch, what should I prepare for you?" She asked.

"Mom, no, you don't have to."

"It's my job as a mother. Its not biggie, just tell me what you want."

I smiled. "I miss your lasagna."

She chuckled. "Every night your father or I would come in and ask what you wanted to eat for dinner and your response was always lasagna. I thought you changed but your still my little baby, and there's nothing wrong with that."

My smile grew as my eyes burns with tears. I blinded them away.

I'm in a very emotional state right now where ever little memory makes me want to ball my eyes out.

Once mom brushed through everything knot I let her style it.

She put it in the same fish-braid she used to always do when I was little.

"Wanna help me make lunch?"

I nodded.

We both stood up and headed to the kitchen, quickly washing our hands in the kitchen sink.

The kitchen was very nice and spacious just like every other room in the house.

For the first time in weeks I actually felt... Free... And like I was actually able to breathe.

This is exactly what I needed. Change. A new environment. New scenery.

"You okay?" Mom asked.

I nodded.

"You dozed off for a bit so I was just making sure."

"I'm fine mom, I promise."

She showed me everything we needed and all the ingredients.

She got to work amd I helped every so often, most of the time I spent watching closely.

"There's a girl next door around your age, I think you may like her. She's should be at school right now but maybe we could stop over someday. I'm close with her mother and they've only heard stories about you from me." She said.

I nodded. "I don't think I'm ready to meet anyone new yet."

"That's fine. Maybe sometime next week?"

"Okay." I said.

She gave me a light smile before kissing my forehead.

"Now, let's finish making our lunch."


*a couple hours later*

I was sitting at the edge of the pool, my feet in the water as I stared at nothing in particular.

I wasn't bored or anything, I just came out for some fresh air.

During lunch mom and I caught up on a bunch, we even shared a couple laughs.

Then I cleaned up the lunch mess, which was the least I could do. After that mom decided to take a nap because she was exhausted.

Apparently mom worked until 1am this morning and came home. She went to bed but then received the text from Livia and immediately came over to take me even though I wasn't supposed to move in for another couple days or so.

Moms be exhausted the past couple of months between the divorce, moving houses, working extra shifts, and worrying about me so she deserved nothing more than a long peaceful nap.

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