Chapter 3

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Leighton's POV

I clutched my stuff monkey that Nova had gotten me for my birthday while estranged tears fell down my restless face.

It was another night full of tears and restlessness.

As I laid here my alarm had started to ring, bouncing off the walls of my room. I slammed my hand down, trying to prevent the ringing it was creating throughout my head.

Wiping my face, I rolled out of bed sitting on the edge. Giving my monkey one last squeeze I placed it gently on my bed, pulling the cover up onto it as if I was tucking it in.

Standing up I shuffled my way into my bathroom connected to my room. Turning on the light I looked into the mirror, my expression immediately filled with disgust.

My hair was a complete mess, with a large knot in the back, my very little makeup from yesterday was smudged, probably from the crying, and I had horrible bags located under both of my eyes from the sleepless nights I've experienced.

Ignoring the person I saw in the mirror, I walked over to the shower turning it on making sure the water was steaming. Stripping out of my clothes, I stepped in the shower allowing the hot water to fall down my body.

Standing there for a minute I let my body relax from the tense state it had been in. I dropped my head, allowing the water to run down my head.

After a couple of minutes I took a deep breath, gathering myself as a person. I grabbed my vanilla coconut shampoo, and shampooed my entire head before placing the same conditioner on the ends of my hair. As that sat, soaking into the large knot, I took my vanilla body wash scrubbing my entire body with it.

Once I was done and rinsed I made my way out of the bathroom. In my bedroom, I opened my closet l searching for an outfit. Settling on a pair of black leggings and one of Bexley's sweatshirts.

Waking back to the bathroom, I avoided my makeup bag and just focused on my hair. Drying it with the hair dryer, I flipped my head over placing it into a messy bun pulling out face framing pieces.

My appearance was never a big focus of mine, but now, it definitely wasn't.

Using my deodorant and spraying myself with my perfume, I slid sock onto my feet along with a pair of high top converse.

Grabbing my phone I looked at all of the notifications and unanswered messages that I had.

I ignored all of those, and skipped straight to Dallas's contact.

' Call me when you can. I'm thinking of going to the lake later, feel free to meet me there. I miss you Dallas.'

Pressing send, I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs where my mom and step-dad were along with my step-brother. They were sitting around the island eating eggs.

My mom looked over from her position at the stove. " Hey honey, you want some eggs?" She smiled. I shook my head. " I'm not really hungry." Her smile turned sad.

My step-dad turned in his seat. " How you doing kiddo?" He questioned. I shrugged. " I'm okay I guess."

He nodded his head understandingly. " Well mom and I are here if you need to talk." He assured me. " I know dad, thanks." I said with a small smile.

My step-brother, Mason, stood out of his seat. " You ready to go?" He asked shoving the last bite of eggs into his mouth.

I nodded silently. He quickly put his plate away and grabbed his bag from beside the island.

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