Chapter 37

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"Are you sure?" Mom asked as I smoothed out the ruffles in my skirt.

I nodded. "Yeah. I can't hide from school any longer."

She nodded understandingly. "You don't want to eat breakfast before you go?"

"Worst case scenario, I'll probably get anxious or something and throw it up later so no thanks, I'm good."

She chuckled as I put on my shoes and slung my book bag over my shoulder.

"Just... Go to the office and call me if you feel sick. Unlike with Livia, you aren't just gonna run out and leave with no one knowing. You had the school worried sick each time you did that."

I chuckled nervously. "Sorry about that."

She gently grabbed my face and kissed my forehead. "Have a good day."

"You too." I said, pulling out her embrace and leaving out the side door to the garage.

I got into my car, shutting the door and buckling myself up before starting the engine as the garage door opened.

Once I pulled out and made sure the garage door closed, I left to school.

Arriving in the school parking lot didn't really leave me as anxious as it did every other time I would go since Nova's death.

It took a huge toll on me but it seems I'm improving.

I sighed as I killed the engine and grabbed all my things, heading into the building.

I headed straight to first period and the teacher walked up to me, ushering me into the hallway.

"Sorry about that. But, we've been waiting for your return. Your schedule has been changed. We thought that maybe we could switch things up a bit for you and hopefully it'll help you in some sort of way. We felt maybe the crowded classes full of beady eyes were a little too much for you so you have a schedule with the classes that have the least amount of student. Your friend, Jordyn willingly changed her schedule to the exact same ad your new one so you had someone who you knew better in case you need some support. I know your friends passing was hard on you and I hope maybe this can help." She said.

I lightly smiled. Its nice to attend such a considerate school who actually cares about your wellbeing.

The beady eyes were slightly uncomfortable.

I thanked her and walked to the office where Jordyn sat.

She looked up at me and smiled as she stood up.

"Here." She said.

I looked down at the sheet of paper that had my new schedule.

"There's really no point of having it though. I have our new schedules memorized."

"Gym first?" I groaned.

"They give us plenty of time to shower though."

"I'm not concerned about the stinking throughout school, I don't wanna use the school showers. They're gross."

She chuckled has she grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the gym.

"We're gonna be late if we don't hurry."


"Holy fuck." Jordyn said as she stopped right next to me, putting het hands over her head to help her lungs as she breathed heavily.

We were currently outside in the cool weather running laps.

Today was supposed to be a free day but I guess this class period was bad with the sub they had, so unlike the rest of the classes, we didn't have a free day.

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