Chapter 8

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We sat under the bleachers for a good two hours before the lights finally turned off and any janitors and staff finally left the premises.

When we stood up I stretched and just about every bone cracked. Sitting on the hard cold floor isn't what I had planned for tonight, or any other night or day.

My butt was wet and I knew I had some dirt or grass stains on my butt.

We walked over to the back of the school where the pool was.

Nova tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Yes, they'd totally leave it unlocked." I said rolling my eyes as Leighton chuckled.

"You never know." Nova said, shrugging as we walked to the other side.

A door was wide open and the lights from the room were peering out.

We walked over and looked in to see a Janitor finishing up in there. We snuck in and his behind a bunch of floaties.

It took him a good 20 minutes before turning off the lights and leaving, locking the door.

We pushed the floaties off and laughed.

"Should we turn the lights on?" Nova asked.

"No, the pool lights give enough light, turning on the ceiling lights would be stupid." I answered.

She nodded as we all took off all our clothes except our undergarments.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Nova yelled as she jumped in, us jumping in right after.

I opened my eyes as spotted Nova at the bottom picking up something she found down there.

She started swimming up and I swam up too.

"What took y'all so long to come up?" Leighton asked.

"I found this shark toy." She said.

"Okay?" We asked in unison.

"Let's play a game. We'll all close our eyes and all throw it up and it'll go in the water in a random direction, who ever finds it gets their whole meal paid for when we go to Barties after this."

We all smirked.

"Okay, bet." I said.

We all moved to the middle of the pool and Nova closed her eyes and so did we.

Soon I heard a light splash somewhere behind me.

"Go!" Nova said and I instantly went under and opened my eyes.

I looked around and couldn't spot it until I saw it stuck in one of the vents.

Leighton spotted it too and we both raced to get it and got there at the same time.

We swam up and Nova looked at us with a raised brow.

"No one got it?" She asked.

"Actually we both got it at the same time." Leighton said.

"So that means I have to pay for everyone's meals including mine!" She screeched.

We laughed.

"Guess so." I said.

"What're you smiling about? You look like a creep." A male voice said, awakening me from my day dream.

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