Chapter 43

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Leighton had texted me back sometime late that day agreeing to meet at beaties.

I was still anxious to see her but less so now that i've had time to think it all over during school.

Now I was kinda excited ro finally see an old friend.

Anyways, school went by smoothly as Finn had be suspended and there were no disruptions during gym as the teacher let us have free time so he could have his little break without the "class clown".

I said bye to Jordyn and rushed out the school, spotting Jenna's car waiting by the front entrance.

She waved me over and I smiled, hurrying over to her car.

"Hey girl. How was school?"

I closed the door once I was in the car. "Let's not do the dry parent-child conversation and let's blow this popsicle stick."

She chuckled as she sped out the parking lot and down the road.

"So, what're we doing?" I questioned.

"I know of this really good band that Nova and I liked, they're gonna be secretly playing at this abandoned factory. Cops will probably storm in but that makes it all the more fun. You down?"

I smirked and nodded. "Yeah."

"Good because I have this outfit that I think would be perfect on you." She said.

We arrived at her house. "Both my parents are at work and don't get off until super late. They won't mind me being out super late and I already asked your mom if you can stay over so we're in the clear." She announced as she unlocked the door and headed in. "It doesn't start until 8:30 so, until then, what would you like to do?" She questioned.

I shrugged. "We could.... Watch a movie?"

"Should we order something. There won't be any food at the concert. There will be a dance floor, a bar, and then a stage for the band and that's about it."

I nodded. "Sounds good."

We ordered Chipotle with uber eats and it arrived no more than half and hour.

We munched on our food and binge watched the "Divergent" series. I've watched the movies a billion times and Jen has only seen the first one.

After that we headed up stairs and she allowed me to use her shower and bathroom to get ready.

When I was done I walked into her room with only a towel on.

"The outfit is on my bed." She said as she walked past me to the bathroom to shower and get herself ready.

I looked down a the outfit.

It wasn't exactly my type but I was down for new things and a couple changes.

One thing I learned from Nova's death was that you never know when it could happen. You never know when you'll die.

Nova's death was unexpected. She had a unknown heart disease that they couldn't catch in time and she dropped dead one day and bow she's gone.

I'll never know when I'll be taken from a world so beautiful, yet so cruel. So I want to live every moment to the fullest.

And if I can, I want to do and try everything I possibly can before my time comes.

I want to appreciated and cherish everything and everyone, because you never know when someone close to you will be taken from you either.

I put on the outfit:

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