Chapter 32

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Leighton's POV

After going up to my room I ended up taking about a 3 hour nap that I hadn't known was needed.

If I hadn't been woken up by the slamming of my front door I would have slept even longer.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I threw the blankets off of my body and opened my bedroom door to walk down the stairs.

Before I could my brother comes stomping up the stairs and into his room, slamming the door behind him.

I stood there for a second before I was greeted with another surprise. My dad walked up the stairs.

He was home early, really early.

What was going on?

" Mason Harvey" My dad yelled. " Open up this damn door."

I stood in my doorway beyond confused.

" Fuck off." My brother yelled back.

My eyes widen as my dad eye fumed with anger.

He put his hands on his hips taking a deep breath, his eye softening once they seen me.

" Leighton, honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disrupt you." My dad apologized.

" It's fine." I shrugged. " What happened?" I asked pointing to my brothers door.

He sighed stepping away from the door. " Your brother and his idiotic friends were caught smoking and drinking at the lake. I had to go pick your brother up from the police station."

My eyes widened. " Oh."

He nodded. " Yeah. And he seems to think he can walk into my house slamming doors after where I just picked him up from." My dad said the last part louder.

I stood there silently. " Anyway, I have to finish something back at the office then I'll be home for the rest of the weekend. I'll be taking his keys so he can't go anywhere, but if he tries anything o give you permission to kick him in the balls."

I placed a hand over my mouth to hide the chuckle. " Will do."

He turned around to walk down the stairs. " Your mom should be home soon." He called.

" Okay. Love you." I called back.

He yelled an I love you back before walking back out the front door.

I waited until I heard his car engine roar to walk across to my brothers room. Knocking on the door there was silence then a rustling coming from the other side of the door.

A couple of seconds later the door opened revealing my brother.

" Is he gone?" He questioned peeking him head outside the door.

I nodded. He backed up allowing me to walk past him. I walked over to his bed plopping down.

" What happened?" Mason plopped down next to me: " Didn't dad give you the run down?"

I nodded. " He did. But why?"

He looked over to me. " Why what?"

" Why were you drinking and smoking?"

" Why does it matter?"

I sighed. " Because I know you Mason, you only drink when you're pissed and you only smoke when you anxious, you were doing both, why?"

He laid back on to his bed. " I was just trying to have fun."

" Mason you don't have fun that way, not even at parties. You don't want to risk your chances with football and getting a scholarship."

He groaned. " Don't talk about football."

I raised an eyebrow. " So is that what this is about? What happened?"

" Nothing happened Leigh, can we drop it please."

I looked down at his covered face. " Fine." I huffed. " Let me know if you wanna talk." I said standing up from the bed.

He threw up a thumbs up as I walked out of his bedroom.

Walking down the stairs I walked into the kitchen. I spotted my pizza from earlier sitting untouched on the plate. I walked over and picked the entire thing up, throwing it in the trash.

Walking back to the freezer I opened it to look for the ice cream that I had seen earlier. Grabbing out the cookies and cream ice cream I grabbed a spoon and popped the lid off to start digging in.

Scooping the ice cream into my mouth brought back so many memories of the time Dallas, Nova, and I would sit around eating tubs of ice cream like no tomorrow.

I was finishing cleaning my room for the sleepover the girl and I were having to night.

Throwing my dirty clothes in the hamper, I straightened up my bed before walking over to hook my computer up to the HDMI cord for the movies we're gonna watch.

As I was doing this my door slammed open startling me. In my doorway stood a smiling Nova. " I have brought the snacks."

I looked confused at her empty arms. But before I could say anything Dallas can up right behind her carrying 4 different bags. " Actually I brought the snacks." She glared.

I chuckled. Nova turned. " But who paid for them?"

Dallas rolled her eyes dropping the bags.

" Did you get ice cream?" I questioned. Nova nodded. " Three different kinds."

I smiled. " I'll go get the spoons, you guys pick out the movie." I cheered running past them and downstairs.

Running into the kitchen I grabbed 3 spoons before rushing back up to the room. Walking in I closed my door and turned back to see the girl settled in their spots on my bed.

Climbing over them I settled in my spot before handing them their spoons.

" What movie?" I questioned. " Jumanji." Dallas answered.

" Original?"

Nova nodded her head as she handed me my tub of cookies an cream ice cream.

Those were the good days. We would make a whole weekend out of it, and all we would do was sit in my room with snacks while we watched a bajillion movies in one day.

Then the next day Nova would want to do something adventurous and fun, so we would.

I wish we could go back to that.

I wish that Nova was still here so we could have our weekends of movie watching and adventure.

XOXO ParisBesties12

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