Chapter 40

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Leighton's POV

I reached across the table snatching my cupcake that mason had took from me, from his hands.

" Don't put your grubby hands on my shit asshole."

" Leighton!" My mom screeched. " Language."

I pulled down the wrapper around the cupcake, shoving half of it in my mouth. " Sorry." I slurred.

She shook her head, while my dad laughed. " You're such a pig." My brother remarked.

I rolled my eyes, sticking out my cupcake covered tongue like a child. My entire family's face turned up in disgust.

Once I finished my cupcake I threw away the wrapper, reaching for another one just as my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Reaching down I began to pull out my phone. " Leighton, no phone right now. Please?" My mom pleaded.

I sighed shoving my phone back into my pocket, grabbing another cupcake to shove into my mouth.


After a couple movies and a stomach filled with cupcakes I made my way upstairs to get into the shower.

Letting the water run down my back I washed my hair along with my body, then rinsed.

Steeping out I wrapped my fluffy towel around my body, and quickly gathered my things to walk back to my room.

Drying off, I dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Leaving my towel wrapped on top of my head, I plopped stomach down onto my bed, grabbing my phone from the charger.

Turning it on I slid down on my screen allowing all of my notifications to pop up.

Reading each of them individually, I swiped all of them away until I got to the last one. My eyes widened and my jaw nearly fell to the floor.

"Hey, I know we haven't talked in forever and we haven't seen each other since.... Yeah... But I've missed you and I just wanted to see you some time, maybe we could build back up our bond or.... Just.... how are you, Leigh...?"

It was from Dallas.

She had finally texted me back and I hadn't know whether to be angry or happy.

I stared at the phone screen for a few minutes or pressing down on my power button, sliding it over.

I powered down my phone setting in on my side table.

I needed time to think.

Not to think on if I was going to text her back or not, because I was, but I needed time to think of a response.

A person I had known for the past couple of years of my life and I don't even know how to respond to a simple text from her.


Waking up the next morning I had gotten up and dressed all without looking at my phone.

Believe me it haunted me, and the urges to turn it back on were there. I just was still in shock by it all.

I had for sure thought that I would never hear from her again, that we would be strangers with memories.

And although it hurt me to think that way, I had texted her so many times and never got a response.

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