Chapter 19

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Time went by slow.

Many seconds went by, many minutes, many hours, many days.

Now, here I am two weeks later standing in front of the entrance of the school for the first time since I attempted to go a little over two weeks ago.

I had already missed first period and second period had started about 15 minutes ago.

I sighed as I pushed the door open and walked in.

Everything felt strange, different, eerie, and just off. I couldn't pin point what it was exactly but I couldn't stand it.

Walking down to the office felt like it took ages as my feet dragged against the floor.

I was beyond tired.

Lately, I've been have horrible lucid dreams about Nova.

Like last night, the dream started off perfectly fine....

"Nova!" I called as I ran towards her with three cotton candies. Pink, her favorite, blue, my favorite, and purple for Leighton.

She turned to face me and smiled as I handed her the pink cotton candy.

"Thank you my dear friend." She said as she ripped a piece off and put it in her mouth.

"You're very welcome, my dear friend."

We both laughed as we linked arms and walked through the crowed bunches of people, making our way through the fair back to the bathrooms where Leighton was still waiting in line to pee.

I handed her the purple cotton candy and she thanked me as she ate it whilst continuing to do her pee-pee dance.

Nova and I chuckled as we sat on the bench feet away and watched Leighton in amusement.

She rolled her eyes at us.

After sometime she had thrown her cotton candy stick away and entered the bathroom as the line moved.

She came out a couple minutes later, shaking her hands dry.

"Finally." I breathed out as I stood up.

"Took the line long enough." Nova added.

"Oh? Just wait until we get into the lines for the rides." Leighton said as we all walked around until we found a decent ride.

We decided on one that looked fun but also had a shorter line than the rest.

"So... I was thinking we should go to my house after this?" Nova said as we got in line.

"Mom and dad aren't home?" Leighton questioned.

"When are they ever home?"

"Right. Dumb question."

"Busy parents. I get that." I said.

"I think you have it worse." Nova said to me.

"How so?"

"Well my parents are always busy because of work, which is understandable because they need the money to provide for me and Owen and the roof over our heads plus the food and much more. So they don't really have a choice, if they quit or get fired we could use our home and so on so forth. Your parents have a choice. Their jobs don't work them to death and always have them preoccupied with time they should be spending with their family instead. Your parents constantly argue and bicker instead of just ending things and moving apart since they clearly aren't in love anymore."

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