Chapter 23

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I instantly shot up, breathing heavily as my eyes filled with tears.

Looking around me, I noticed I was in the tree house.

I was confused at first but then everything started coming back to me.

Back at school I had laid in the field for a good hour or two in the rain before stumbling to my car.

I had left school early and went home.

But I didn't go inside. I just parked my car in the driveway and bolted to the tree house, crying the whole way there.

Once I was in the tree house I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.

Grabbing my phone out my pocket I looked at the time.

It was 11pm at night.

Livia got home from work not too long ago, but she probably knows I'm here in the treehouse.

I went to my camera and analyzed my appearance.

My face had a bit of dried dirt on it from the field, my eyes were bloodshot and it looked as if I had gotten high.

The bags under my eyes seemed even darker than they did earlier which surprised me as I didn't think they could get any darker.

My nose was running and super red along with my cheeks. I had a major headache and sore throat.

I knew I was catching a cold. Which is my fault for laying out in the cold and the rain for hours.

I laid back down, setting my phone onto my stomach.

My whole body felt dirty. I felt dirty inside and out. I was a complete mess, I knew that, everyone knew that.

Anyone could see I was a mess from miles away, that's how obvious it is.

Never would I have thought I was gonna lose Nova. I should've known if I did lose her, I would've been a mess, but I didn't think it would be this bad to the point where I'm laying in mud while its pouring out for hours, giving myself a cold.

Never would I have thought that my mental, emotional, and physical state would've decreased so horridly and rapidly.

Maybe I should head home and take a bath.

I don't really feel like it.

Instead, I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep.


My eyes began to flutter as someone called my name and shook me awake.

It took a while foe my blurry vision to cease but once I was able to see I was beyond surprised.

I gasped as I sat up.

Her eyes filled with tears. "Look at you. You're a mess." She said as she looked me up and down. "Your clothes are all muddy, and your hair." She said as she lightly tagged on the noted mess.

I covered my mouth as wheezed and coughed, my chest and throat burning.

She closed her eyes, a tear falling down her cheek as she inhaled a deep breath.

"What are you doing here, mom?" I asked.

"Livia texted me last night about you and how you've been over the past month since.... Ya know. So I came over and she told me that you would probably be here. She led me to the treehouse, I climbed up and my heart broke to see you in such state."

"So?" I breathed out.

"So you'll be moving in with me."

My eyes widened. "What? But you and dad-"

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