Chapter 15

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Leighton's POV

Zion handed me the bottle of vodka he held in his hands after seeing me chug both of my solo cups filled. I placed the bottle to my mouth, inhaling before I took a big swig.

Handing the bottle back to Zion I sat there moving my feet through the water.

I sat on my roof, looking into the beyond. I was trying to be as quiet as possible knowing that the girls were laying in my room peacefully sleeping.

As I was sitting here I heard the sound of my roof crunching from behind me. I turned my head to see Nova slowly making her way to my side.

Once she was seated I looked at her. " Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you." I said quietly.

She shrugged. " I was already awake." She brought her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them.

" So why are you out here? Shouldn't you be inside sleeping off that buzz you acquired?" I chuckled. " That buzz wore off a long time ago."

We sat there for a little awhile just staring out in front of us, enjoying the quiet.

" So what happened? With Zion and all that?" I sighed. " If I'm being honest, I don't know. He showed out of nowhere, we exchanged a few words then all of a sudden he was punching Joseph. "

" Well I guess that ruins anything between Joseph and you." She chuckled. I laughed.

" Ehh.. it's fine. I didn't really forsee anything serious between us."

" Bummer... he seemed nice" I smiled.

We were silent for a bit before she spoke again.

" You know I can read you like a book. I can see your brain overthinking."

" I'm not overthinking. I'm just...." I paused. " Analyzing."

" Which is code words stands for overthinking."

I shrugged. " Maybe just a little."

" Well don't. Breaking up with Zion was the right thing to do. He did what he did without remorse, so don't you have remorse about your decision."

" I know. But it's just... hard. I guess. He was the first person I loved and the first person that understood me." I said.

" I understand that but kid... a first love is not always gonna be your last. You'll have many different loves throughout your life, no, they will never amount to the love you feel for your first love, or the memories you have with your first love but you will find others that you will love with your entire being."

I looked into the sky.

It was a dark cloudless night, meaning you were able to see the stars that shined. I saw one from above that was twinkling extra bright.

I started wonder if Nova was dancing on clouds or she was sitting peacefully reading books, or maybe even playing a magically form of Sims.

Her and Dallas would always playing that stupid game.

I laughed at my own thoughts.

" Are those stars that interesting?" Zion whispered in my ear.

I looked over to him. " Yes, yes they are." I answered in a 'matter of fact'.

He chuckled. " They're just stars. Nothing that interesting."

" You think there just stars, I think they represent something magical with in the atmosphere."

He shook his head. " You are definitely drunk." He said taking a sip.

I took it from his hands. " Not nearly drunk enough."

I turned to Nova. " How come you know what to say all the time?"

She shrugged her shoulders. " Because I do... it's just in my nature I guess."

" What's in your nature." We heard a voice say from behind us.

We both turned to see Dallas climbing out of a window. She climbed down, sitting next to Nova.

Nova wrapped her arm around her shoulder, while Dallas leaned into her.

" Just me being able to give good advice."

" Ah. Sounds about right." She said.

We continued to sit here as the sun began to rise.

" You know... I want this to last forever." Nova said.

Dallas and I looked at each other.

" Forever and Always." I said laying my hand out.

" Forever and Always." They both repeated laying there hands on top of mine.

" I think it's time we head inside." Zion said. " People are probably looking for us."

" You go ahead. I'm going to stay out here a little longer." He looked at me before shrugging and standing his way out of the water.

As he went to turn to walk inside I quickly stopped him. He turned around. " Yeah?"

" Can I keep the bottle?" I said with a small smile.

He looked down at the vodka. Sighing he handed the bottle. " Don't go too crazy. I don't feel like having to fish you out of the pool."

I chuckled, if only. Taking the bottle from him. Once he walked inside I brought the bottle up to my mouth and began to chug.

The only thing that was solving some of the heartache I was feeling was this bottle.

Somehow it's magical content on the inside had a way of making me feel normal. It had a way of making all the heartache disappear.

It only it's side affects were long lasting.

XOXO ParisBesties12

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