Chapter 38

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Leighton's POV

The past couple of days have been tense throughout my house, and I don't foresee anything changing, so instead of going home after school I went to Zion.

We still had the rest of our project to finish, and I needed a change of scenery.

Waiting by the front steps the doors opened and my group of old friends walked out. They all caught my eye before turning their attention away.

I missed my friends, I did, I can admit that but I was finally starting to feel good. Besides my current home life, I was starting to feel normal.

I was getting to where I wanted to be.

Kian said a quick goodbye before walking over to me. " You ready?"

I nodded. " Yeah, sure."

We walked down the steps and off the campus. " So what do they think of you being with me?" I asked.

He looked over to me. " I don't know and I don't care."

I laughed. " I bet they sit around talking shit about me for their own satisfaction."

Zion chuckled. " No they don't , and if they would I would stop them."

We continued to walk in silence. Well
not complete silence thanks to the nature around us.

" Bexley came over on Saturday." I stated cutting through the silence.

" Oh?"

" She came to get some of her stuff that was left at my house. We got into an argument."

" About what?"

" She said I gave up on her, on us. She wanted to help me and I didn't want her help. She thinks I don't love her."

I met my stare with Zions." Do you? Ya know love her?" He asked almost hesitant to hear the answer.

" Yeah." I nodded. " But as time goes on, I'm starting to realize I'm not I'm in love with her. If I was in love with her it would've hurt more to let her go, but it didn't. It didn't hurt at all to let her go."

" Did it hurt when you had to let me go?"

I shook my head.

His face dropped.

" It didn't hurt because I never got the chance to let you go. I just kept moving, and I ignored it."

A glimmer lit in his eye.

The night that Bexley came over to get her stuff I watched her walk out the door and all I was thinking was ' why don't I wanna run after her and kiss her? Why don't I want to fix this?'

It's because there's nothing to fix. Bexley was my bestfriend. She got me through more than she will every know, I love her. But I will never be in love with her.

She was merely a distraction from my true feelings.

She swooped in a time where it allowed my train to keep moving and never stop.

I'll forever be grateful for that, but I'll also forever be resentful towards the fact that she didn't wait to swoop in.

If she would've given me time maybe I would've realized that what I need was not to move on, but was time.

" Would you ever reconsider us?" He asked.

I shrugged. " I think that I love you and will always love you."

He smiled. " That's not a no." He said wriggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. " Its not a yes either."

We arrived at him front door. " We'll get there. Our connection is astronomical."

I chuckled.

He opened his door, both of us walking in.

" Ma, I'm home." He yelled. His mom walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hand on a towel.

" Leighton, dear is that you?" She asked, her tone laced with surprise.

I nodded. " It is."

She walked over engulfing me in a hug. " Are you and my boy fixing things?"

I looked over to Zion who scratched the back of his neck.

" We're getting there."

Zion looked up, a smile spreading over his face.

' Our connection is astronomical.'He mouthed.

I rolled my eyes, butterflies resurfacing in my stomach.

I hadn't felt butterflies in a long time.


Back at home I opened the front door walking into the front room. My entire family was sitting on the couch, silently.

I sat down my bag. " What's going on?"

My mom patted the seat beside her. " Sit."

I hesitantly walked to the spot, sitting next her.

She grabbed my hand. " This is your family." She said looking between my brother and I. " I am your mom, and dad is your dad. That will never change. Never." She took a deep breath. " But, we understand the curiosity you hold behind your other parents, and the hurt that you hold from that abandonment. We may not like the fact that you guys don't fill fulfilled with our love, but we understand it"

" We never want to make you guys fill like you can't fell these types of emotion, or that you be punished if you do fill these types of emotions because you won't. Never in a million years. What we do ask is that you guys talk to us, tell us about this emotions. Tell us about these fillings. That's the only way we can understand."

My mother looked to my father who nodded. " We are a family. We talk about these things and we get through them together. Understand that?" My dad asked.

My brother and I both nodded slowly. My dad reached out putting a hand on my knee, and one of my brothers arm. " I love you guys." He looked between the two of us. " Both of you. No matter what happens. You two are my children and always will be. And if you guys want to explore the world and find who your other half of DNA is, I won't be mad."

I smiled, in which my dad returned. He stood off of the table pulling us all into a hug, causing us to laugh as he squeezed us tightly.

The laugh, is real.

I was finally feeling like myself again.

I was finally feeling alive.

It all felt so good.

The hole in my heart was still there, and will be forever but I was finally getting some closure.

XOXO ParisBesties

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