Chapter 15

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Nova laughed as we saw two brothers wrestling in the ocean.

We were currently at the beach sitting in the sand closest to the water as the little waves washed over our toes.

"You wanna go get some ice cream?" Nova asked as she pointed over at the little icecream stand.

I nodded.

We stood up and wiped the sand off before holding hands as we walked over to the ice cream stand.

There was a little line but it didn't take long.

"I'd like a cone, vanilla ice cream with caramel on top." I said.

"And I'd like a cone with vanilla at the bottom of the cone and strawberry at the top with strawberry syrup on top."

We got our ice cream and decided to go for a walk.

"So. Have tour mom and dad-" she began.

"No." I sighed. "Me and Livia stopped by the other day to check on them and there was a lot of screaming and yelling. The house is a mess, it smells like shit. There's alcohol bottles everywhere and nothing in the fridge but leftover fast foods."

"That's disgusting."

"Don't even get me started on the bathrooms."

"Oh I won't. I cant imagine-"

"You don't wanna imagine either. It was horrifying. Still can't erase it from my mind." I said.

"Oh you poor soul." She said. "I'll help you."

And with that she pushed me but I caught myself, saving my ice cream.

"What the hell!?" I exclaimed.

She covered her mouth and laughed but we were interrupted just ad I was about to push her back.

The two brothers we were watching wrestle earlier came up to us.

"Uh hi." I said nervously.

"Hey." The one said. "We couldn't help but notice you guys laughing at us earlier, we were gonna come up to you but you went to get ice cream so we decided to take our chance now."

I looked at Nova who was trying her hardest not to laugh.

"Do you guys have Snapchat?" The other brother asked.

"Um- we have something that'll blow your guys mind, instead of saying it I hope you guys can take this hint." Nova said, chuckling a bit before grabbing my face a kissing me.

I kissed her back before slowly pulling away.

I was kinda embarrassed but Nova just smiled at the two shocked boys.

"Sorry. Can't ruin our perfect relationship." She said as she grabbed my hand and we ran off laughing.

Our ice cream a definitely dripped a but but we didn't really care as we hid behind the closed smoothie shack, laughing our asses off.

"What should we do now?" I asked.

"I was thinking maybe we could go get Leighton, and head to the movie later, but for now, let's go get some crab!"

It wasn't really hot out today so I wasn't in shorts and a bikini top. I was in sweats and hoodie and I sat on a blanket as I let the water soak my toes.

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