Chapter 42

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Leighton's POV

'How about Saturday.... At beaties?'

Dallas had texted me back during the school day but I had been so busy with all the test and work that I was doing, I failed to actually realize she texted me back.

My heart raced at the thought of seeing her again. It had been so long.

What if we don't know how to be around each other?

What if we can't build our bond?

I hovered my fingers over the keyboard.

' Yeah.... I'll see you there.'

I typed pressing send before my mind could even think it over.

I dropped my phone I my bed, looking down at where Zion was sitting in the floor finishing up the poster board needed for our project.

" She texted back." I said. His head snapped up. " What'd she say?"

" She wants to meet at Beaties on Saturday."

He climbed off of the floor, and onto the bed next to me. " Are you gonna go?"

I nodded. " I have to, but I'm scared."

He raised an eyebrow to my confession. " Why are you scared. You've known her since you were little. Hell, you've known her longer than you've known me."

" I know, but we were also two different peas in two different pods. The one person that brought us together was Nova. What if, now that she's gone, we can't gain that bond we once held? What if going on Saturday, we truly become strangers, forever? I thought I had lost her before but what if this time our friendship is truly gone? I'm not sure how I'll handle that."

He grabbed my hand that was nervously playing my the string on my jeans, and pulled laced it with his. He pulled me towards him, causing me to climb into his lap.

I placed my head on his chest, our hands still laced together.

" You may have been two different peas in two different pods, but you still managed a way to exist around each other a build an amazing bond. One where she would stalk your ex after football practice and slap him." We both chuckled, his chest vibrating my head. " That bond is something that doesn't go away easily. You may have to build it up a little, especially since Novas gone, but it will still be there. The moment you guys see each other you'll feel it."

I sighed. " You feel better now?" He asked.

" A little." I whispered. " Well if it makes you feel any better I'll be there." I lifted my head. " What?"

" All of us agreed to meet at Beaties for lunch before the party that's happening. I'll be supporting you from afar, but I'll still be supporting."

My lips turned up in a grin. " Thank you. Your support is appreciated."

" That's what I'm here for."

I rolled my eyes. " You wanna know what would make me feel even better?"

" What?"

" Ice cream. Cookies and cream ice cream."

He groaned. " You and your ice cream."

I pried myself away from him, climbing off the bed before grabbing his hand to pull him off. " It so delicious, can you blame me?"

He stood up, looking down at me. He rolled his eyes. " He nothing but churned milk and cookies, nothing special. "

I gasp. " You take that back." I said pointing a finger. " Ice cream in magical. It make the booboos all better." I said in a child-like manner.

He smiled. " You're cute, you know that."

I shrugged. " I've been told that a couple of times."

The week had gone by quickly, bringing me to where I was today, standing in a mirror checking my appearance over and over again.

It was Saturday and I was due to meet Dallas at  Beaties in a little while.

I was a complete mess. My hands were sweaty, my heart was racing, and my stomach was turning.

Great combination.

I fixed my hair one last time before forcing myself out of my room and away from the mirror.

I was a nervous wreck and looking at myself in the mirror wasn't helping any.

Walking downstairs my brother was sitting at the island shoving a sandwich in his mouth.

I internally cringed at the sight of any food. I walked to the fridge grabbing a water, possibly the only thing I could keep In my stomach.

Opening the cap, I sipped the water carefully.

" You're a nervous wreck." My brother said. I placed the water of the counter. " Jeez, thanks." I said sarcastically.

He shrugged. " I'm just being honest."

" Yeah well keep your honesty to yourself right now."

He got up throwing his plate in the garbage before washing his hands in the sink.

" Are you ready to head out? I have practice with coach later."

I sighed. " Let me just go make sure..."

" You look fine Leigh, please."

I took a deep breath, twisting the lid of my water back on. " I guess let's go then."

" Yes, let's."

We walked to the front door, him grabbing his keys before walking out of the door.

Once we were in the car and it was warmed up we sped out of the driveway, and out of our neighborhood.

Watching out the window, I counted the trees that we passed in attempt to calm my nerves.

Before I knew it we were pulling up into the parking lot of Beaties.

I looked at the logo at the front of the building, the nerves I had worked so hard to push back, making themselves known.

Mason parked in a spot closes to the door.

I took a deep breath looking at the clock. " I'll pick you up when your done. Just text me."

I nodded. Grabbing onto the door handle I hesitantly pulled the car door open, being careful not to hit the other car.

Stepping out, I shut the door and stepped onto the curb standing there for a couple of seconds.

Looking through the window my brother waved a small goodbye to me before pulling out of the spot.

I watched as he descended out of the parking lot and down the rode before I even considered walking up to the door.

But as soon as he was gone I knew if I didn't, I was going to look silly just standing here.

Walking to the door, I placed my hand on the handle taking a deep breath before pulling it open.

Walking in, I looked around my eyes spotting the one person I hadn't seen in months.


Xoxo ParisBesties

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