Chapter 9

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Leighton's POV

The next couple of days were spent the same. I would sit in my room all by myself for the first couple of hours of the day, then after a while the quietness throughout the house would start to irritate me and my train of though, so I would climb up onto my roof, close my eyes and imagine something other than my reality. 

But today, today, that wouldn't be a problem. It was finally the weekend, and everybody was home. My mom, dad, and brother. So there was no quietness, which in some cases was beneficial to my mindset, other cases, not so much. 

Stepping out of the steaming hot shower I wrapped my towel around my body and was immediately startled by the sound of banging on the bathroom door. Slinging open the door was face with my brother standing with a pained expression on his face. 

" What?" I snapped. He looked up from the ground. " I have to piss." He said with an annoyed face. 

" Okay, so can't you go outside?" He shook his head. " Not when I have a bathroom that is working perfectly fine inside, so move it." He said pushing past me. 

I huffed out in annoyance as I walked across the hall to my bedroom. Closing the door I walked to my closet grabbing out undergarments, along with one of Bexley's sweatshirts and black leggings. As I finished pulling up my leggings there was a knock on my door. 

I sighed. " Come in." I yelled loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear. My mom walked in wearing one of her white blouses and black jeans. " Hey honey, oh..." She paused once she looked up at me. " Are you wearing that to your brothers football game?" She questioned looking me up and down. 

" Do I have to go?" I questioned plopping down on my bed. She walked in closing the door behind her. " Yes, you have to go. It's important to your brother that we are there." I sighed. 

My mom sat down next to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders as she gave me a squeeze. " I think it will be good for you to get out of this house. You've been inside of it for 4 straight days, I go crazy just being in it for the 2 days I have to." I chuckled at her slight sense of humor. 

" Plus, after we can go to Beaties and get your favorite milkshake." 

With that I paused. 

Everything around me went blank. 

I walked up to the girls, who were both sitting next to each other on one side of the booth waiting for me.

" Heya." I said catching their attention. They both looked up.

" Finally! We've been waiting forever." She said dramatically as I slid into my side of the booth. I sat my bag down, getting myself situated. 

" For one, it wasn't for ever, and for two, I get out of school at a different time that you nimwit." I retorted. 

She rolled her eyes. " Whatever youngin. Your lucky we waited until you go here." My eyes went wide. " Oh yeah, so lucky." I said sarcastically. 

Dallas laughed at our bickering. 

Once we were finished going back and forth we finally got to ordering our food and drinks. After the waiter had left our table with the menus and our orders in hand we immediately busted out into conversation.

"  So there's this party.." Before she could even finish both Dallas and I immediately shouted "No!". Earning a couple of glances from other tables around us. 

She slumped back in her seat. " Why not?" She whined.

" Why not? Well I don't know, how about the time that we had to carry you out of the party because you were so wasted." Dallas said. 

" Or the time you got up on the table at that one party and started to dance until you fell straight off of the table." I said. 

" Or the one time when...."

" Okay!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up. " I get it, no parties." She added. 

Dallas and I both laughed while she slumped back down, pouting. 

" I wanna do something fun this weekend. It doesn't have to be a party, but just something crazy and adventurous."

I felt the gently shaking that knocked me out of my trance. Looking over to my mom she was looking at me with a curious expression. 

" Are you okay?" She questioned. 

I swallowed the lump in my throat. " Yeah." I nodded. 

" We can go somewhere else if you don't like the idea of Beaties." She offered.

I shook my head. " No, it's fine. Beaties is fine." 

" Are you sure?" She questioned once more. 

I put a small smile on my face. 

A fake one of course. But one that would be able to convince my mom otherwise. 

" Yes mom. Perfectly fine." 

She returned the smile, not seeing the fakeness under mine. 

" Well okay. Hurry to get ready. We leave in an hour." She said as she stood up off of my bed walking to my door. 

I nodded as she walked out closing the door behind her. 

I wiped the sweat that had built up on my hands on my leggings before standing up and walking over to my mirror that sat in the middle of my room.

Looking back at the reflection, I didn't notice the person I had seen. 

My eyes traveling upwards I noticed the pictures that surrounded the outside of my mirror. My eyes landing on my of Dallas, Nova and me I ripped it down rubbing my finger over it. 

There was lettering on the picture that said, 'Adventure is where ever we are.' But really, the adventure was wherever Nova was. 

XOXO ParisBesties12

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