Chapter 30

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Leighton's POV

It was Saturday morning, for the most part everything was peaceful and calm. My mom was out helping her friend get ready for an open house, my dad was at work, and my brother was spending his first weekend free with friends.

Apparently they were going to some lake an hour away from here. They offered for me to go since I'm pretty known amongst all of his friends, but I declined. Id rather stay in my nice and warm bed instead of being on a lake where it's windy and the water is beginning to chill.

After spending most of the morning cooped up in my bed watching television, I decided it was time to get my lazy ass up and take a shower.

Gathering my clothes and bathroom essentials, I walked to the bathroom shared between my brother and I. Setting all my stuff down on the sink, I turned on the shower water. Stripping out of my fuzzy pj's, I shivered as the cold air hit my arms causing goose bumps to rise.

Stepping into the shower the warm water hit my skin relaxing my muscles. Taking a handful of my favorite shampoo I massaged it through my hair causing bubbles to pile on top of my head.

Once I rinsed all of the bubbles out, I rubbed hair conditioner through the ends of my hair letting it sit while I scrubbed my body with my soap.

After I rinsed everything out of my hair, and off of my body I shut off the hot water causing me to quickly wrap my towel around my body in order to trap the warmth that was left over. 

Drying myself off I dressed in a pair of black leggings and a baggy shirt. Leaving my wet hair flowing down my shoulders I gathered all of my things and walked back to my bedroom.

Throwing my clothes into the hamper and hanging up my towel, I held a hand to my stomach as it begun to rumble.

I looked at the time on my bedside clock.


I had yet to eat today, and by the sound of my stomach it was beginning to catch up with me. Grabbing my phone I walked out of my room and down the stairs into the kitchen.

Opening up the fridge I looked through all the shelves for something to catch my eye. After not seeing anything appealing, I opened the freezer and begun to look in there. Spotting a small party pizza I grabbed it, walking it over to the counter next to the oven.

Setting the oven to the correct temperature, I grabbed out a small pan to set the pizza on so it could cook.

While I waited for the oven to heat up I grabbed a glass filling it with ice and water, sipping on it while I scrolled through my phone.

Cutting my relaxation time short, there was a loud knock that came from the front door.

I looked at the time on my phone.

No one was due home for atleast 2 hours, so I wasn't exactly sure who would be at my door at this time.

Hesitantly walking towards the front door, I looked through the peep hole taking a deep breath once I seen Bexley standing there.

What is she doing there?

Opening the door, Bexley turned around to face me.

" What are you doing here?" I questioned her.

" I need my shit." She said expressionless.

I raised an eyebrow. " Can you elaborate on what shit you're talking about?"

" My sweatshirts, the ring I gave you, and the necklace." She said in a duh tone.

I took a deep breath. " Yeah sure. You could've called or texted before coming by though."

" Yeah well, I wasn't too sure on if you were going to actually answer." She said stepping past me and into the house.

" Why wouldn't I?"

She shrugged. " I don't know. Why didn't you the last two weeks of our relationship?"

I rolled my eyes. " I'm not fighting with you Bexley, just go get your shit."

" I'm not trying to fig--" I held a hand up stopping her. " Bexley, just go get your shit."

She shook her head chuckling. " I'm going."

I walked as she walked up the stairs and into my room.

I groaned in frustration as I turned back around, stalking into the kitchen to put my pizza in the oven. 

My day had turned into peaceful and calm, to frustrated and uneasy with in seconds.

After a couple of minutes Bexley trudged back down the stairs with her sweatshirts in hand. " Got everything?" I asked.

She nodded walking towards the door. She placed her hand on the door knob, ready to turn it but instead turned towards me.

" You know if you need time to figure out yourself, I would've given you time. You didn't have to throw away our entire relationship." She said.

I stood up straight. " I didn't throw away our entire relationship. I said I needed time to figure myself out and I could do that with being in a relationship."

" But your not understanding, I was willing to give you that time and that space. We didn't have to break up."

I sighed. " Yes, we did. I was dragging you down, and you may not have seen it but I was. Plus I didn't want that add on being in a relationship, and knowing I was being selfish by not giving you the attention you deserve."

" We were fine, I was fine. I knew you were going through things and I was willing to work with you on them."

" But that's the thing Bexley, I didn't need nor want you to work on them with me. I want to be able to fight through things for myself. I want to be fighting for myself. I don't want to feel like my only reason for fighting is because of my relationships with people. I want to feel like I'm fighting for for me, and not for other people." I exploded.

She scuffed. " Meanwhile you take away other people's reason for living. I loved you with my entire being, you pushed me and help me get through everything. Then you left, you just gave up because you you thought that was what was best. I loved you, and you left."

I shook my head. " I didn't leave. I need time. That's what I asked for is time. Do you think it was easy to make the decision to leave? It wasn't. It wasn't easy to break up with you and distance myself from all of you. It hurt me more than anything, but there comes a point in life where you need to know whether you're fighting because you want to, or you're fighting because everyone else wants you too. I just hit that point."

" Well that point sucks."

I nodded. " I agree. But you should be fine, especially with your little fling you have with Harlow."

I mentally slapped myself as soon the words came out of my mouth.

" What?" She questioned.

" I saw you two in Beaties. You looked quite chummy."

She sighed. " We're just friends."

" That's what we were at one point too."

She looked around. " I'm gonna get going. I'll see you around."

I nodded.

She twisted open the door and walked out.

The oven began to go off from behind me, signaling my pizza was ready. Turning around I turned off the timer, along with the oven itself and grabbed out the extremely hot pizza.

Grabbing a plate I slid the pizza onto it, leaving it on the counter while I head back up to my room.

My hunger that had once been present suddenly disappeared.


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