Chapter 17

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When I left beaties it was drizzling and by the time I got home it was pouring ran.

My sisters car was there in the garage when I got home so I knew they had let her off work earlier since she's supposed to be working late for a while.

I guess the storm coming was a lot worse than I had expected but its nothing we can't handle.

I entered in through the garage door to see my sister placing a candle in the living room.

"Powers out already?"

She nodded just as a loud boom of thunder sounded.

"Its gonna be a long night." She sighed. "I'll make some ham and cheese sandwich's."

I nodded as I walked to the kitchen with her and pulled out some strawberries, plopping one in my mouth as I sat on the counter and watched her make the sandwhich's.

"So what have you done all day?" She questioned.

"I went for a walk and ended up at the beach. I relaxed there for a while before heading to beaties."

"So you already ate?"

I nodded. "You can save me a sandwhich for later?"


"How was work?"

"A disaster. We lost a coworker today. She wasn't doing her work and after we confronted her she began to do her work but wasn't doing it properly and was just making a mockery out of us. I told boss I was tired of her bullshit because this isn't the first time it happened and she got fired. Now we have more slack to pick up. I'm quite glad this storm happened because it was so stressful working not only my job, but my other coworkers job, and now part of hers."

"You deserve a long vacation."

"We both do. After what you've been through... I think we should save up for a trip. Its been your dream to go to Ireland?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Then we'll go to Ireland."

"You're amazing."

She chuckled. "I know."

It was pouring outside and the three of us were bundled up in the living room at Nova's house.

Her brother was stuck at his friends house, per usual, and her parents were stuck at the airport all the way in Nebraska as they were on a work trip.

"This is boring!" Leighton whined.

"Well what should we do?"

"Well, we all have mobile data correct?" I asked.

They nodded.

"What's everyone's phone percentage? Mines at 72."

"68." Leighton said.

"Mines dead." Nova said.

I rolled my eyes and she chuckled.

"Well let's watch a movie on Netflix or watch YouTube or something." I suggested.

"I'll get some snacks!" Leighton exclaimed.

"Wanna build a fort."

Nova nodded.

We both rushed up to her room and grabbed everything off her bed and threw it down the stairs.

Then while Nova grabbed her stuffed animals, I headed down the hall to the closet that contained a bunch of extra blankets, sheets, and pillows and carried them down.

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