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I wake up from hands grasping my shoulders and aggressively shaking me awake for the second time. I shot upwards, about to strangle whoever woke me up to see that Tubbo was the one shaking me. Again. I dismissed my anger when I saw the terrified and worried look on his face. "We are under attack," Tubbo says. I quickly jump out of bed and quickly change into my uniform and put on my face mask. I slipped on the gloves that I had just made yesterday. I had put netherite and diamond scraps into the palm area of the glove, allowing me to hold a blade without it cutting me. I want to see if it would work, and this was the perfect opportunity. I equip all my battle gear and nod at Tubbo to say I was finished

He takes my hand and pulls me out the door, booking it for the Hot Dog Van, dodging the arrows that they fire at us swiftly.

We entered the van and saw everyone was already gathered there. "Hello North sorry for waking you up this early in the morning, but we have an issue as you may have seen." I nod, appreciating the apology and take a spot around the island next to Fundy and Tommy.

"Everyone, I will now read the Declaration of Independence!" Wilbur says, pulling out a shining, well taken care of book from his bag. He flips a few pages, clears his throat, then starts reading. "Forever the nation of the dream SMP has cast great sins upon our great land of the hto dog van." He says, some snickering at the hto dog van part.

"They have robbed us. Imprisons us, threatened us. Killed many of our men. This time of Tyranny ends with us."

"This book declares that the nation that will henceforth be known as L'Manburg is separate emancipated and independent from the nation of the Dream SMP!" We all give a tiny cheer to show our support.

"The union of the masters of men together we are one. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one to dissolve the bonds which bind us. Disregarding if this truth is nothing of short tyranny." Wilbur finishes, closing the book, then putting it in an item frame in the caravan. They had us surrounded, still shooting arrows at the windows.

Wilbur heads to the door of the van, steps out, causing them to momentarily stop their fire. "Gentlemen, how are you?" He asks them, well, more shouting at them so they can hear from up on the walls. "Good," we hear from one of them.

I did not recognize the person that answered, but everyone else from yesterday was there. It was the bandana guy, glasses guy, and chains guy. Sapnap, George and I believe Punz were their names.

But this guy was not there yesterday. He was the tallest out of the four, sporting a green shirt underneath his glistening purple armour. He wore a smiley-face mask that covered the majority of his face.

"Do you like the view of our nation?" Wilbur booms as he spreads his arms wide in pride. "I thought this was a trailer park," the masked man responded. Wow. So funny.

Everyone in L'Manburg showed the same expression of his joke. "Very funny," Wilbur says sarcastically. "Listen it seems you've gained an upper hand in peacetime," he starts, looking at all of us crowded in the van. "we will meet you in the field but on our own terms."

Everyone started cheering around me, Tommy letting out shouts of excitement to show his support for our president. Wilbur, who is now beaming, turns back to the masked man and his followers. "We will arrange a time and place gentlemen, so where do we meet?"

"The Embassy," the masked man says, then hopping down from the wall out of our sight.

Then all of a sudden, while Tommy was exiting the van, one of the members of the enemies had fired an arrow, hitting Tommy in the shoulder. He let out curses at them from the pain as I rushed over to him, yanking the arrow out quickly, causing him to yell FUCK really loud from the pain, causing a few laughs from one of the members. I ignore it and take one of the many bandages I kept spare in my bag and wrapped it around his bleeding wound. He gave me a quick smile, shook of the pain and sprang up again.

"To the Embassy!" He screamed, and off we went.

-767 Words-

Question Of The Chapter: The coolest build to ever exist on the Dream SMP?

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