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"Tommy!" I yell as I quickly splashback to shore. The explosions were beginning to die down, and there was now a huge crater down the middle of L'Manburg. I stumble onto land, heading for the crater, assuming that's where Tommy would be. I look down into the crater to see a white and red shirt catch my eye. I hear the Dream SMP members laughing and I flick my wrist causing them to completely wipe out.

I hop into the crater, slowing down my fall with wind, then scramble to the boy. Panic fills me as I notice Tommy isn't moving. At all. I checked his wrist, which only had one heart on it.

He was already injured and had just woken up, which meant that the explosions had just taken him out easily. Why didn't they make sure he was recovered fully before putting him into battle.

I scoop up the boy in my hands, despite him being taller than me, the float back to the surface. Once my feet hit the surface, I get greeted by all the L'Manburgians. I glance over to the entrance to L'Manburg but see nobody there. I let out a sigh of relief and looked back to where Tommy's body was. Tubbo was gripping onto his shoulders, shaking them in an attempt to wake him up, oblivious to the mark on his arm.

I place my hand on his shoulder and he looks up at me with tears in his eyes. "Tubbo, he's gone," I say, pointing a hand to his wrist. He looks back at Tommy, then grabs his wrist to check the hearts, and to his fear, only one heart remains. Tubbo buries his face in his hands. His best friend only had one life left, and this war was looking far from over.

Tubbo was scared for Tommy's life. Tubbo was scared for his life. I could read his actions and expressions. I awkwardly kneel down and stiffly wrap my hands around the boy, who buried his head into my chest and melts into my touch.

I suddenly felt a feeling rush over me. One that I had not felt in a long time. A feeling that I had never felt with any of the people I had helped before. A feeling that I needed to protect these people no matter what. To care and be there for them, to keep them out of harm's way, to prevent death.

To help them win this war.

Time Skip

Dream had attacked us once while Tommy was still resting. He tried to join us, but we told him that it would be best for everyone if we could get him back to his best to fight. He stubbornly agreed and sat in his bed while we dodged arrows that were being shot at us.

Eventually, they had gotten bored and left, leaving us with almost a hundred arrows scattered on the ground and building. "Heh, jokes on them, free arrows for us," I say, picking up some nearby arrows.

Another Time Skip

Tommy had fully recovered and was now in good condition after waking up a day ago. He and Tubbo had spent about every minute together since we woke up, always laughing and talking about things.

We now had gained almost all our items and weapons back from when most of it was lost in the Final Control Room. Tubbo and Tommy had brewed potions, Niki had enchanted all the weapons, Wilbur and I had gotten lots of materials and ores from mines, and Fundy had repaired most of the land as well as filled in the crater.

After a stressful morning of collecting lots more materials, Niki and I had sat down together in the caravan to talk. The other four boys were outside doing who knows what.

Everything seemed peaceful, but good things never last forever. I hear Tubbo scream and Tommy call out his best friend's name. We all rush outside to see Wilbur holding back an angry screaming Tommy and Fundy comforting Tubbo, who had an arrow in his back.

Dream stood by himself at the entrance of L'Manburg once again. God, why were they so annoying?. My eyes went back to Tommy, who was still being held back by Wilbur, yelling and pointing his finger at the smiley face man. "You green, egotistical bastard! You think you're so great, don't you? You know what? Why don't we fight Dream, why don't we have a one verse one bow battle?" Tommy snapped out Dream. "Tommy, your passion will get you nowhere," Wilbur calls, trying to quiet Tommy. "Wilbur, he hurt Tubbo," Tommy says.

"What are the details to this bow duel?" Dream asks. Wilbur's eyes widen and he protests the idea. "Tommy no," he says, but Tommy ignores him. "Ten paces, bows drawn, if I win, L'Manburg is granted independence," Tommy explains to Dream. "Okay, but if I win, I get one of your discs and L'Manburg will stay a part of the Dream SMP." Dream sticks his hand out for Tommy to shake. I hear Tommy inhale sharply, then take his hand.

We all watched as Tommy made deals with the devil.

Question Of The Chapter: What lore streams are your favourite to watch?

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