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Wilbur and I glance at the masked man as his shadow looms over us. We approached him cautiously, looking around to see if we could spot any of Dreams warriors hiding, waiting to ambush the duo. To our relief, we did not spot anyone.

"Tommy," Dream booms, causing me to snap my head back to the empty black smiley face staring right back at me. "The disc," he demands, reaching his hand out. I let out a big sigh and reached into my bookbag, delicately pulling out the green disc. I hand it over to Dream, who quickly pulls out Ender chest and secures it in there.

"You know Tommy, I'm very surprised you lived that arrow, it hit you right in the chest. How did you manage to survive?" He questions, to which I don't answer. "It is none of your business as to how Tommy is alive," Wilbur says to Dream, who lets out a groan of annoyance. "Oh come on now," he says, but we stay quiet. "Fine, stay quiet but I wouldn't advise getting on my bad side if you're gonna be staying in the Dream SMP," he says.

"Dream," I start. "What are you gonna do to L'Manburg?" He chuckles and responds to my question. "Well Tommy, I was thinking of explosives. Wouldn't that be an amazing sight, to watch a nation that you had fought so hard for collapse and drop to the group with a little light of a match?"

I feel my anger boiling and I clench my fists. "You can't do that dream!" I yell at him. "Oh but I can Tommy, L'Manburg is MINE now, all thanks to you. Your temper and thirst to prove yourself have failed both you, and the future of L'Manburg," he says.

As much as I hated to admit it, Dream was right. If I had never challenged Dream to a bow duel, we would have still had a chance of winning the war.

I wanted to make it right, but that would cost me something in return. But North did it, why can't I?

"Wilbur, can you leave for a second, I wanna talk to Dream about something. Wilbur gives me a confused look, but nods and walks off back where we came from, stopping a good distance away from us.

I turn back to Dream, proposing an idea. "I'll make a deal with you Dream," I start. "Let L'Manburg have independence, and I'll give you the other disc as well," I suggest. His head tilts to the side. "Mellohi?" He questions, to which I nod my head. "What about this, you give me the disc, and L'Manburg can have partial independence. It is still considered apart of Dream Smp, but as an independent nation." I glance down to the ground, then to Wilbur. I had to do this. For L'Manburg. For independence.

"Deal," I say to Dream. "Okay then," dream says, motioning to a nearby ender chest. We glided over to it, glancing over my shoulder to check on Wilbur every so often, who stood there observing our every move.

I open the ender chest and check the items inside. An enchanted diamond sword. A bunch of loose diamonds, 12 blocks of gold, some iron, a couple of diamonds, and mellohi. I feel my hands shake as they towards the disc, then holding it. I pull it out and see dreams hand reach out. I sigh and place it in his hands. "Pleasure doing business with you," he says, slipping the disc into another ender chest he quickly placed down. He then breaks the ender chest and walks off in the direction of the community house, whistling a tune.

What a fucking bitch, Dream is.

Wilbur notices that dream had left me and rushes over. "What happened Tommy?" Wilbur asks me. "I've just secured our

Question Of The Chapter: What was the best looking nation that had existed on the Dream SMP?

A/N: I am so so sorry for the huge wait, schoolwork had started piling up and I needed to focus on some of that. I also had no inspiration whatsoever and went on a huge reading streak. This was mostly just a filler chapter and I have so many ideas for season 2 parts of the book and I'm trying to decide what path I wanna take, but it may be a while until the next update.

Anyways I wanna thank you guys for all this amazing support you all are absolutely incredible. Like, 15.2k reads and 622 votes! That is absolutely incredible. If there's anything I can do for you guys such as any special chapters, I would be glad to do it to show my gratefulness. That is all please go out and treat yourself! You are amazing beautiful, handsome and pretty and I hope you have an amazing day! Bye!

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