24 || DEBATE

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The day of the debate had come quickly, and there was barely any time to prepare, but I managed to study a few political books. I had met up with the group, which was comprised of Fundy, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Badboyhalo, Jack, Quackity, Sapnap, George, and an unfamiliar guy with a colourful, mostly purple hoodie.

We climbed up the narrow, very high up path, lead by Wilbur to a floating cobblestone building at the end of it. We enter the courthouse and took our sides, SWAG's party on one side and POG's party on the other. I stood in the entrance as the spectators took their places on one side. I obviously stood with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Jack on POG's side while Quackity, George, Sapnap, and Fundy stood on the other. I was honestly surprised Fundy was on the opposite side, Wilbur shared the same reaction. He glanced at Fundy with questioning eyes, but Fundy's gaze stayed looking straight forward. The guy in the purple hoodie stood in the middle by the podium. I put together some pieces and guessed that their name was Karl.

Before the debate starts, Wilbur drags me and Tommy into a closet on our side of the room for a pre-talk. Wilbur had been setting some expectations we were to follow, most of them directed at Tommy. "What do we want guys? What do we want?" Wilbur asks us. "Freedom." "Likes." Tommy and I both sat at the same time. We look at each other in amusement at how different the two things were. "Okay, well, North that's great, that's the answer I was really hoping for, yeah," Wilbur says, laughing. "Primarily freedom, secondarily likes," Tommy says. "Yes! Exactly! You know what, let's carve it into the wall!" Wilbur says, pulling a small knife out of nowhere. He starts scratching Primarily Freedom, 'Secondarily Likes' into the wall with small, but neat handwriting. "There, now are we ready to get our debate on?" Wilbur says, slipping the knife back into its hiding place. "Yeah!!" Tommy yells enthusiastically, pushing the closet doors open.

We walk out and stand in our respected positions, Wilbur behind the podium, and Tommy and I on opposite sides behind him. The debate begins and they begin talking about territories and who has access to the lands. I zone out for a bit, occasionally snapping back to reality to see how Wilbur and Quackity were doing, impatiently waiting for them to end. A killing headache tuned out the arguing and distracted me from all my surroundings. I kept trying to not pay attention to the pounding in my head, but it was almost impossible. I needed to do something to distract myself.

"Let's talk about corruption," Karl announces, gesturing for Wilbur to start. "Well, our government is not corrupt. I risked the power that I already had for democracy so that the people could decide who they wanted as their president. That's not corrupt if you ask me," Wilbur says, which I mentally cringe at. Everything that Wilbur had just said was a straight-up lie. At least, based on what he had said to me in the hot dog van.

Out of nowhere, Quackity starts laughing. "Oh my god. You know, it's funny Wilbur, it's really funny. Do you know why it's funny? It because you had originally created the election planning to run as the only party! Thankfully, I had figured it out and was given the chance to stop that corruption by running." 

Wilbur is speechless. He tries to hide it but I could see right through his mask of emotion. Quackity just completely fucked up Wilbur if he could recover from it. POG2020 would be completely screwed if Wilbur could play this off.

"You don't have any proof."

Real smooth Wilbur. Real smooth.

But it worked. I have no clue how but it somehow got dismissed. After what felt like an hour of bickering back and forth, as well as clapping at the end of each argument out of respect, it was my and Tommy's turn to go up against George. Wilbur took Tommy and me into the closet again for our pep talk. "Look, you guys got this. George is a smart man but you guys are smarter. North, try and take the lead when you can. Tommy, try and keep it in place. Got it?" Tommy and I both nod in response. "And my right-hand people," Wilbur says, pausing. "Make me proud." "Will do big man." "Will do Wilbur."

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