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A bright light fills my vision as I regain consciousness. I try to take in my surroundings before acting, in case of any traps. I was lying in a field, and people, presumably my attackers, were talking a couple of meters away from me. I stay laid down, eavesdropping on their conversation. "Tommy, we are in desperate need of help right now, and this may be our best shot at winning the war," a voice says. "If we are trying to get them to join us, we probably shouldn't kidnap them?" Another voice asks. I peek one of my eyes open to see three guys, one with blonde hair, two with brown hair. I closed my eyes quickly after, wondering what I should do.

As I think, I feel someone starting to move closer to me, moving their arms towards me. I quickly bring my arms up and grab their hands, shocking them. I twist their arms and throw them to the side, causing them to roll on the ground in pain. I hear the accomplices drawing their swords, standing in a ready position behind me. I turn around slowly. "Surrender," the taller one says. "You are outnumbered and unarmed,"

I took a deep breath, noticing that the blonde one, who was the one I had previously flipped, had gotten up from the floor, also drawing his sword. I slowly put my hands up in a surrender position as they started approaching me. I then quickly whip my arms in a circular motion, causing a gust of wind to completely wipe out the three.

I grab my sword which was lying in the grass nearby and hold it carelessly, swinging it back and forth. They lie on the floor with shock on their faces. "How did you do that?" The blonde asks, slowly standing up.

I charge at them, holding them with the blade right up against their neck. The other two start screaming at me to stop, as I look at both of them. "We need your help," the blond mutters nervously. I look at the other two. Their looks look genuine.

I sigh and I twirl my sword and slide it behind my back, putting it away. The blonde stumbles away from me to join the other two, breathing heavily. "What do you need?" I ask, even though I basically already have an idea because of their earlier conversation.

"We need your help fighting someone," he says.

"I-" "Sure," I say, cutting him off before he can continue. As much as it's stupid to join a war of total strangers that you just met, it was boring and a pain to keep travelling from village to village. Also, the promise of fighting sparked something in me.

I start collecting my stuff, noticing how poor these people are. They have absolutely no armour on. I start equipping my armour when the shortest one puts his hand on my arm. "You don't need armour where we're going. I glare at him, causing him to take his hand off and back away. I take my armour and stuff it in my bag.

Do I even know their names yet? Wow. What the fuck am I doing with my life.


"Excuse me?" the shorter of the group says.

"You haven't told me your names yet."

"Oh, well my name is Wilbur," the tallest one says. "That's Tommy," pointing to the blonde, "And that's Tubbo," pointing at the shortest. I nod, making mental notes and staring away from them. "You're the North Warrior, we know all about you," Tubbo says. My eyes widened a bit, slowly turning my head to stare at Tubbo.

Tommy and Wilbur see my reaction and grab Tubbo, whispering a few words before pushing so they are behind them. They look at me and try to laugh it off. "Haha just kidding North Warrior, he didn't mean that," Tommy says, looking at me with pleading eyes. Probably trying to tell me to have mercy on them and not kill them. I shrug it off and look at Tubbo. "You can call me North," I say, then start walking off. "Umm," Wilbur says, "North, L'Manburg is the other way," I mentally smack myself before facing Wilbur, processing what he said.

"Le what now?"

"Oh L'Manburg," Tommy says very proudly. "It's the place that you are gonna help us fight for independence from," they say, with a grin on their face. "This L'Manburg better be worth it," I say. "Lead the way."

-751 Words-

A/N: Just a reminder to take care of yourselves and that you are amazing and valid! Hope you have an amazing day, afternoon or night! Stay safe!

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