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TW: Mention of Death and Fighting, Needles

The light illuminated the land as the sun rose, signalling the start of another day. Villagers of an oak town had started bustling, eager to get a head start on the day. They set up their shops, consumers hurrying to try and get the best products before the stalls ran out, and the smell of baked goods from the bakery filled the air. The people from the village looked like little ants from the cliff, scurrying around. I stand up and stretch out the bad sleep from last night, yawning in the process. I rummage through my inventory and make mental notes of what supplies I need before making my journey to the next village. I repeat the needed supplies in my head to prevent forgetting as I slip on my face mask, pulling it over my nose.

I grab an ender pearl and give it a small toss in my hand before aiming and throwing it right in the middle of the village. It teleports me, making a vwoop sound, which drew the attention of any villagers that were nearby. I travelled from shop to shop, gathering all the materials I needed and hoping I didn't forget anything. I take out a newly purchased ender pearl and aim it back at the cliff I was previously on when the smell from earlier made itself known again. I've never had food made by someone else before, mostly due to the fact that I could potentially get poisoned. I mean, not everyone has the undying urge to kill me, but you can never be too careful. It's always the people you least expect. Yet, the smell makes me want to just throw all logic and care out the window.

I curse myself before walking up to the bakery, ordering a loaf of bread and quickly getting my ass out of the village.

I teleport to the top of the cliff and start walking into the forest. I enjoy the peace and quiet, pulling down my mask, holding the bread up to my mouth. I took a small test bite, and when I deemed it safe, I dug in. After walking for a couple of minutes, I cursed myself for the second time again for not getting enough sleep. It was throwing off my senses and my thoughts and my coordination, not that I was worried about anything happening, it's just really inconvenient when travelling to new areas you know nothing about.

I hear something snap to the left of me, stopping me in my tracks. I tuck my bread into my bag before placing my hand on the handle of my sword. Stupid sleep, messing with me. Things would be a lot easier if I could just get some good sleep but god forbid that. I sense movement behind me to the right, so I turn and pull my sword out to be met by another sword, held by a person in a blue, and white uniform. Sensing more movement behind me, I push my blade against my opponents, making them tumble backwards. I swing my sword behind me, the metal screeching as it clashes against another blade. Suddenly, there's a rustling from in the trees. I don't process this information fast enough, and my two opponents back away as a potion is splashed beside me, slowly turning my vision dark.


A/N: Remember, you are amazing and valid! Take care of yourself!

-Word Count: 561-

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