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I had moved all the bodies into the building with all the beds. I had carried Fundy, then had used my powers to levitate and float the rest to their beds. What sucked was I was the only one there, so I had to help everyone. I was almost certain that everyone had lost one of their lives, so they would be all good in less than a week depending on the severity of their wounds

Once I had treated, healed, stitched and bandaged everyone back together, I collapsed on a nearby chair. Taking care of four people was exhausting, and I could tell my eyes wanted to shut and rest. I let myself fall asleep, but only for a few minutes.

I open my eyes to see Wilbur shaking me awake. I get startled and fall out of my seat. I cannot get any rest without someone ruining it. He offers a hand out to me and helps me off the ground. "I finally know what death feels like," he says, pointing to his wrist, which only had two hearts instead of three. "Everyone else has also lost one of their lives," I say, glancing at the resting members of L'Manburg on the beds.

"North, if you don't mind, I'd like to get to know you," He says to me. No, I honestly just wanna go back to sleep, let me sleep, I haven't had a good sleep since I got here. "I'm from the Kontoi Kingdom," I say, resting my head on my arms. "Oh, like the Kingdom known for their craftsmanship? And the one with that royal family?" "Mhm." "That's cool North! You know, you kinda remind me of the Princess of that kingdom, Aella I think her name was. You look just like her but with like, much, much shorter hair," Wilbur rambles. "Mhm, long hair was getting annoying, 'specially when fighting." "...What?" Wilbur says, before jolting up and gasping.

I stare at him before my eyes go wide in the realization of what I had just said. "Wait, wait, you're the Princess of the Kontoi Kingdom!" I let out a string of curses under my breath. This is why I need stupid sleep, my stupid brain stops thinking and just blurts stupid things out."

"Oh my gosh you are-" I slap my hand over his mouth to prevent him from finishing that sentence, which makes his eyes go wide in shock and excitement. "Can we talk about this somewhere in Wilbur?" I ask him. He nods in response so I lead him to the hotdog van, shutting the door behind us.

"Your Princess Aella?" He says, shocked. I give him a nod and his jaw drops. "What? How? Why?" He starts rambling, obviously very confused. "One at a time Wilbur." He nods and starts asking me questions. "Why are you here Aella, North? You were said to have completely vanished! Everyone thought you died! Why are you here and not in your kingdom?" I let out a sigh and got ready to explain. I've only ever had to explain everything to one other person before, and that was a while ago. This was not gonna be fun.

Flashback-Third Person POV

15-year-old Aella stirred in her bed, unable to sleep. She cursed under her breath and gave up after minutes of staring at her ceiling, leaving her room to get a snack, entering the empty castle hallways.

Aella was the middle child of the three royal siblings of Kontoi, her older brother Arthur, and her younger brother Arlo. Her parents had got assassinated a few weeks ago, leaving Arthur in charge of the entire kingdom. Of course, he never could rule a whole kingdom and gave Aella most of his responsibilities and duties as the ruler. As much as she was pissed, she knew her brother was having just a bad a time as she was.

Aella has never been fond of royal life, and always preferred being outside and working with weapons rather than studying inside. She was always told she needed to act more like a lady and she had to be a good role model.

She hated it.

She hated it with a passion.

When her father was still alive, she was free to be who she wanted to be, and anyone who said otherwise would have to answer to him. He let her be her. He would never make her do anything she didn't want to. He let her be happy.

Aella's thought was broken by some chatter coming from a room with big doors. Aella approached the door slowly, careful not to make any sounds, then pressed her ear up against the door.

She could hear two different voices talking amongst each other. "It would benefit us greatly my king!" A voice spoke. One of them was her uncle, Sean. She could make out his booming voice miles away, always so certain that he is correct and way too confident in himself. Not to mention still sounding pissed that a 19-year-old was next in line for the throne instead of him. "But I don't think that Aella would like this at all! She's only fifteen!" Another voice started talking and she recognized it right away. The voice belonged to the king, her brother. They were talking about her. "Your majesty, the other kingdom's offer will grant us a new ally and trading partner!" Sean claimed. What kingdom gave them an offer? How did this involve her?

She was now very interested in this conversation, trying to listen to find out more details of this offer that they are making with another kingdom.

"Your majesty, this offer will benefit us gratefully, and you want to be a good king? Right?" Sean sneered. Her Uncle knew where that her older brother was naive and would fall for his manipulative lies. "Fine." Arthur agreed. "Perfect, I'll send a message to King Rowan. His son will be very pleased to know the marriage request was successful."

Marriage request?

Then she put all the information together.

She heard footsteps towards the door and quickly backed away. The door opened and there stood her brother with a stressed look on his face. Boy, he did not wanna see his sister standing outside after that conversation. "How long were you there Aella?" He asks, concerned. "Long enough, what the hell were you agreeing to?" I ask and cross my arms. "I know you may not like this, but hear me out first," he starts. I stare at him impatiently and he continues. "You know King Rowan from one of the nearby kingdoms?" I nod and he keeps explaining. "Well, his son was looking for a bride, and he was very interested in, well, you."

My eyes widen and I can feel my anger rising. "Are you kidding me?" I start screaming. "Aella, you gotta understand that this is for the kingdom," he says. I ignore him and storm off to my room, tears falling down my face.

"I gotta get out of here."

Flashback ends

"After that, I had run off and started a new life, fighting for different groups and nations. Nobody knew if my powers except for my father, so using them and getting recognized wasn't a problem for me, but I had always worn a mask for the longest time just to be extra cautious." I say. I really hope Wilbur wouldn't say anything about this. "Wilbur, I ask nicely that you don't tell anyone about any of this, but if you don't know how to keep this a secret I have other solutions." His eyes go wide at the threat but nods.

He gently grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. I stood there very stiffly, while he hugged me tightly. It had been so long since I had ever gotten a hug.

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you North. I will protect you to till the day I die."

-1326 words-

Question Of The Chapter: Who is someone on the Dream SMP you wish would play on the server more?

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