Chapter 3 (J-ia's lie)

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Walking. That's what you were doing once more this morning. Walking.

At long last, at the entrance of your school, your 5 friends join you.

"Good morning Y/n!" Huening kai happily cheers while latching on to your arm.

"Good morning! Did you eat breakfast?" You say happily but of course not as happy as him.

"I did!" He says enthusiastically

"Why are you guys so happy in the morning?!" Beomgyu groans, stumped.

"Where's J-ia this morning?" Soobin asks

"She said she needed to do something and ran off into the school. I wonder what it was."

As you guys quarrel like usual, someone's holler was heard all through the corridor, terrifying you so bad you flinch and hit your locker with your back.

"Y/n are you ok?" The boys ask worriedly.

"I'm fine." You say while holding your head.

"The sound came from the main hallway!" Soobin says.

The 6 of you receive a notification on your phone. The school blog is going live.

"Ummmm Y/n.... You should look at this live." Yeonjun's says shocked.

The 5 of you crowd around Yeonjun to watch the live.

*What was going on in the live*

"Are you on live Da-yoon?!" J-ia says amused while holding the girl upside down.

"Ugh I can't watch any more already!" You yell

You hit the locker over and over until the guys halt you.

"Unnie! It's not what it looks like!" She frantically says as she comes running towards you.

She grabs your wrist.

Taehyun unleashes her grasp from your wrist and pulls you away from her.

"Unnie you can't leave me!!" She shrieks.

You embrace her one final time while crying.

"I think maybe we should take some time away from each other." You say sobbing.

"Noooo!" She wails.

But Taehyun had as of now led you away followed by the guys.

They take you to the girl's restroom where you rinsed your face and revived up your makeup.

You guys finally go to your designated classes.

Sitting on your seat, Renjun comes to sit beside you.

"Why do you look like that?" He asks, observing you.

"Is my makeup still messed up?" You ask confused.

"You look like you've had a bad day." He finally states.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You spoke and tucked your hair behind your ear.

"Don't lie to me." He states firm while grabbing your wrist.

"Why should I tell you?" You say chuckling.

"I'll buy you some ice cream." He says.

"I found out my sister is like you." You said.

"What's that supposed to mean? Does she like me?" He says.

"She's like you because she's a bully. You are also a bully. The difference is she bullies other people, and you bully me!" You say laughing.

"I don't bully you! But what are you gonna do." He pouts before asking.

"The same thing I am gonna do to you. We are going to take a break. Since I am also taking a break from you now, you shall not talk to me." You declare like royalty.

"Oh really? Well, then I guess there's no one to accept my cuddles now." He chuckles playing along.

"Fine, you win! I just want the cuddles!" You pout and stamp your feet like a little child.

With one quick motion, he takes you and sets you on his lap while wrapping his arms around your waist.

Your legs dangling off the side of the chair. He inhales your sent.

"Yes!" You cheer, then you wrap your arms around his neck.

He giggles while giving you so many kisses all over the side of your head.

You see J-ia within the entryway, but you disregard her, resuming your small snuggle session with Renjun.

"Renjun." You call his name.

"Yes mi amour." He says while looking at you.

"How do I know you are legit and this isn't just some prank." You ask.

He overlooks you and goes back to giving you kisses all over your head.

Those kisses were an adequate reply for you.

Laughing, you take note that J-ia is still at the door frame, observing you.

Before long as the teacher comes be that as it may, she clears out, and you're abruptly now paying attention in the lesson.

Thanks to Renjun your mood was all better!

Author: I uploaded on time!!! Anyways how are you guys? I hope this chapter is good! A sudden turn of events. How do you guys want the relationship with J-ia to be played out in the end? And no the story isn't ending soon! Cya next Wednesday!

Good girl's bad boy ~Renjun NCTWhere stories live. Discover now