Chapter 13 (Confession)

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"Y/n, you still haven't told me about the guy who was doing something to you

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"Y/n, you still haven't told me about the guy who was doing something to you." Renjun said frustrated as you were laying in his arms.

"Yeah Ik. I'm still thinking about it." As soon as you guys start talking about him, his name pops up on your screen.

You flinch and put your phone down abruptly, and Renjun takes note of your actions.

"What happened?" Renjun worriedly asks.

"What would you do if I told you someone was telling me to break up with you, and they're sending me nudes every day?" You nervously asked him.

"Who?!" He angrily asked.

"Stop you're scaring me!" You shriek because of his yelling voice.

"Sorry love. I'd never do anything to you." He calms you down.

With that, you snuggle further into his chest.

"I know. I love you." You say with your muffled voice.

"I love you more. Y/n, just give me your phone." He says.

"Why would I do that?" You hesitate.

"Cause, I need to see it." He strokes your hair.

"Nope." You spoke.

He attempts to reach for your phone, but you snatch it and run out his room door. Renjun chases after you, and you nearly made it down the stairs.

"You over there. Block her path." He tells the maid dusting the banister of the stairs.

Having to come to a halt, you panic.

Before you'll do anything he grabs your arm and pulls you back to his room.

Then he locks the entryway and stands before it, so you can't leave.

You slowly walk backwards, afraid of him at the moment.

"Why'd you run?" He asks as he approaches you.

"I don't know!" You howl as you couch down and cover your ears.

Renjun bends down and picks you up bridal style.

He sits you down on his bed, and bends down to your level.

"Do you still have the promise ring?" He asks.

You nod your head and show him the ring on your finger.

"So? Why are you so scared?" He asks.

"I think it's the new medication." You tell him, at this point crying so hard.

"What medication?" Renjun asks.

"I went to the doctor because I had hurt myself by accident. He gave me some new painkillers. I don't think they're good." You sobbed.

"How'd you hurt yourself?" Renjun asks.

You break down even more.

"Renjun, don't get mad at me." You said in between crying.

"I won't ever get mad at you in my life." He told you as he pulled you in the most comforting hug.

As you cried your eyes out, you started speaking.

"There is this guy. His name is Bon-hwa. I'm sure you've heard of him. He told me to break up with you, and he keeps sending me nudes. I told him to stop, but instead, he told me that if I didn't break up with you, he'd hurt Hueningkai. I said he should shut up and leave me alone, but he slapped me." You cried as you removed the makeup from your face, showing your bruise.

"I went to the doctor yesterday, and he gave me some painkiller pills and an ointment for the injury, but I don't think it's good. It always messes with my mood. It makes me sore all over instead of numbing the pain. I didn't want to bother you or lie, but I didn't want you to be mad at me!" You continued on with your story.

At this point you were trembling as you wrapped your hands so tight around him.

Gasping for air you couldn't stop the crying.

"Baby. It's ok. Relax. I'm not mad. I need you to tell me who the doctor you went to is, and I need you to give me the medications. Then I need you to stay here, I can't risk having you leave. Anything could happen. Just tell me where it hurts."

"Everywhere." You managed to choke out.

"Next time I'll take you to the doctor. For now, just breathe. Stop crying you're making me sad. Nothing is going to happen to you, I won't let it. Did you try blocking Bon-hwa?" He asks as he strokes your hair.

"He uses different numbers to contact me when I block him." You respond.

"Do you have the medications?" He asks.

Reaching into your pockets you hand them to him.

He puts them in his own pockets.

"Next, Bon-hwa. Let's go talk to him. Tell him to meet up with you. I'll come with you. Don't worry about anything." He assures you.

Taking your phone, you hand it to him.

He already knew your password.

Opening iMessage, he goes to Bon-hwa's name.

After he messaged him, Renjun takes you to the bathroom.

Cleaning you up, your phone pings, indicating Bon-hwa had responded.

"Lets go. Are you ready?" Renjun inquires.

"Yes." By this time you had stopped crying.


Arrived at the meeting place, you see Bon-hwa there.

Remembering what Renjun told you to say, you say it once you reach him.

"Stop messaging me. Stop talking to me. Most importantly don't dare to ever put your hands on me again." You sternly told him.

"Pfft. You really are pathetic. I didn't even hit you hard, your bruise is all gone." He sneers.

"I covered it, that's why. I'm not pathetic, and I won't tell you again. Stop contacting me." You said in the most stern voice you could.

With that, you turned around and left to go to the car.

He didn't see you get in because it was covered by a truck.

"Good job y/n!" Renjun cheers as he pecked you on the cheek.

You smiled, and he was happy to see you happy again!

Author: yeah I know I'm so late in uploading but that's due to school. I'm sorry! Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you for reading! Ily ❤️ Cya next Wednesday!

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