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Well a lot has happen over five years. The team is now senors. Lee and Bailey are the star couple. They walk down the hall with hand holding and kisses. They always smiled, and Lee became Bailey rock. Yet their realship wasn't sunshine and rainbows the whole time. They broke up twice, cause of Lee's stupdity. Lee got drunk one night, and Bailey was at London's apartment. Lee came home drunk and with another girl. They did have it, and Bailey walke din of them both naked and asleep.

Bailey cried and ran home. She didn't tell no one till the twins busted in the door, Brad beat the shit of Lee, and Bloom held back Bailey. Lee came running and Boomer didn't let him in. Lee ran to her window and flew up, he opened the window and saw Bailey curled up in a ball. He comfort her and stayed the night, they got back togther two weeks later, after Lee gained trust back from everyone. 

The second time was when Bailey went to art class in France for a year. Bailey couldn'y take the long distance no matter how many times Lee flew to her. She was tired and Lee was starting to lose trust in her, she had a best friend Nicky, who was a boy, yet he was gay. He thought they was dating behind his back and broke it off with her. He didn't come out of his room for a month and Bailey finallu quit Art School and flew to Lee. They cried for hours together and finally relized that they needed each other and they truley loved each other. They got back togther the next day,and have been togther since then. 

Brad and London well, they only broke it off once. Their wasn't because of cheating, or losing trust. London and Brad thought they was losing their feeling for each other. So they broke it off for a while. Brad was becoming a man whore, trying to get that feeling abck with London. No, he didn't sleep with anyone, just dating a bunch of girls. London was trying to get that spark back like she had with Brad, they never found it.

Finally, they ran into each other at the mall. The feelings rushed back in a second. They was running to each other, superspeed I might say. Their streaks was folowing them. They made it to their arms and kissed. It was like their kiss all over again. They felt the sparks, fireworks, anything you call it. They never left each other side. They only left when they had class or bathroom or home. Finally they wanted to move in with each other. They did, and Brad parents was shocked and let him. 

Brad finally asked London to marry him at the age 19, when London was 18. Their wedding is planned on two months from now. They already picked out dresses, tuxes, and of course the cake, thanks to Brad and Bloom.

Bloom and Lucas is a happy story. They never broke it off, they been together for five years. Wen to prom together, Bloom's mom when she was in the hospital with a baby boy, named Breaks in his honor. Bloom and Lucas are in the stage where they can get annoyed but both very clingy to each other. 

Bloom was there when Lucas real mother came to him and her daughter. She cried when she heard Leah died, so did Lucas. Lucas gotten over Leahs death, he still had her other three diaries. He kept her jewerly and some pictures and let some to Breaks grave.

Breaks is a sad story, he had become too depressed. His parents, Buttercup and Butch, tired to help him. Breaks had fake smiles, and laughs, he fooled everyone for two years. Till he thought the wrong thing, at the wrong time. The twins and his Uncle Brick, had read his mind and told the famliy. 

Breaks was coping by drinking, smoking weed, and self harm. He didn't want no one to find out. He finally told his parents, and they had him go to a theripist. Breaks didn't talk about his problems only Leah.

Ken said he only smiles when he thinks of Leah. Breaks carried Leah's diary everywhere he went. As girly it may sound, he wore the necklace everywhere. He went to Leah'h grave one day, and had a gun in his pocket. He was crying and talking to Leah saying he couldn't make it wihtout her.

So he ran home and locked himself in his room. He had Leah's necklace on the bed along with the diary. He wrote in her diary like he was talking to her. He raised the gun and shotm himself. His parents rushed upstairs but they was to late.

Breaks finally had a happy ending. He saw Leah once again. They hugged and sat next to each other. His parents had him buried next to Leah. Let's just say Leah and Breaks finally got back together.

Heyyo Guys!!!

WEll this is the final chapter for Ppgz and Rrbz kids!! :(:(:(:( Ima miss this book, hbu?? 

So what do we think about this chapter. Did I make a happy ending, or just sad? I really hope ya'll love this book and the first one. I'll maybe make another Epilogue or just leave it like this?? Tell me what you think?? So tell who was your favoritve Chracter?? Who was your fav ship or couple?? 

I'll update my other stories tommorow!! 

Well Byes Loves Ya'll!!!

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