Chapter 11

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Blooms POV

I ran in the school with my light pink flash following me. I ran right into Lucas.

"Woah, Speedy you ok?" Lucas said as the rest of the gang caught up.

"Yeah, now help me!" I yelled and Brad and Lucas grabbed my hand.

"Have you seen Breaks?" Brad, Bailey and I said together.

"No, you seen Leah?" London, Lee, and Brad said together.

"No! Argh where can they be?" Bailey said as she stomped her foot. Like her dad, she has a bad temper.  Her eyes turned a dark blue an we heard thunder.

"Bailey!" Brad and I yelled togther. I jumped on her and Lee ran to her side.

"Ssh, Goodielocks everything gonna be ok." Lee said as I raised an eyebrow. I bit my lip and my brain clicked. London! She can see through peoples eyes.

"London! You can help!" I said as Bailey looked at London with hopefull eyes.

"I guess. I could." London said as Lee wrapped his arms around Bailey.

London POV

I closed my eyes and focused on Leah. I took a deep breath and heard her thoughts in my head, I smiled and crossed my arms.

"Breaks, where are we?" Leah whinned in Breaks arms.

"Hmm. A parmind, princess." Breaks said as a mouse ran across the floor.

"Ahh, mouse!" Leah yelled as Breaks laughed.

"Ill keep you safe." He said.

"Breaks, theres a in here." Leah said as she pointed to the left. They walked in and a coffin made of gold was in the middle of the room. Leah gasped and ran over there.

"Who is that?" Breaks asked.

"Its Lucas and mine greats grandpa room!" Leah yelled as she ran her fingers across the gold.

"Wait your related to a mummy or a Pharoh to Eypgt?" Breaks asked.

"Yeah! Its Ramess II dummy." Leah said.

I felt a wind if gust and saw my parents face. No I dont wanna be here. I fell back in someone arms.

"Are you ok?" Brad asked as I nodded and sighed.

"Where are they?" Bailey asked.

"Eypgt." I said as they gasped.

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