Chapter 22

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Lucas POV

"I'm not your son!" I yelled, Marcus smirked and got up.

"Yesyou are, your mother was a whore. Leah was my daughter." Marcus said as I tugged my hair.

"Why the hell would you kill her!?!" I yelled at him.

"She was weak. She was holding you back, and so is Bloom."

"Your not touching Bloom, you can't take her away!" I yelled.

"Why not?"

"Cause, I'm not letting Brad feeling the pain I feel." I said as I ran back. I ran and Leah's face was everywhere. Her giggle, her smile, her blue eyes. I ran till I saw I was in the clearing. I saw London and Lee came running towards me. They hugged me, I cried and they was holding me tighter. My knees finally gave up, I was leaning on Lee. 

They flew me to my house, I fell on the couch and cried in the pillow. This is just a dream, my mind is just playing a trick on me. When I wake up, Leah will be yelling at Lee for messing up her hair. I cried and closed my eyes.


I layed on the porch as Leah was jumping up and down. Her blonde hair was in a pony tail, her 5 year old self was happy for her 6th birthday.

"Can you believe it? I'ma be 6!" Leah said as she jumped on my chest. I huffed and she giggled.

"What's wrong, Luca?" She asked.

"Your sitting on my chest." I said as she got off.

"So how was it when you turned six?"

"Awesome! you was four at the time, you shoved the cake in my face." I said as she laughed and our mom came in. She had a guy next to her, she was frowning and smiled at us.

"My little princess is turning six!" Mom said as she wrapped her arms around us.

"Mom, we're in public!" I whinned as she kissed our cheeks. Leah giggled and pulled away.

"Is my friends coming?" Leah asked as I groaned.

"Is Rachel cooming?" I asked as Leah smirked.

"She my best friend, Lucas!" Leah yelled as Rachel came running up. I wided my eyes and tried to run away, but Leah grabbed my Superman hoodie. I groaned and Rachel gray eyes was staring at my chest . I rolled my eyes and covered my chest.

"What?" I said as Rachel blushed and Leah snickered.

"Come on Rach, lets get some cake." Leah said as she pulled her away. I sighed in relief and walked to the oak tree. I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest. I saw Leah and Rachel giggling over Minne Mouse cake. I frowned and looked at my waterguns. I picked them up, and aimed for the grass. I shot and acid came out, I smiled and heard a scream.

"Leah! Your hand! Its lighting!" I heard Mom yelled. I jumped up and ran over to her, she was freaking out and Rachel was wide eye.

"Your a freak!" Rachel yelled, Leah was crying and Rachel slapped her.

"Leave her alone!" I yelled as I pushed Rachel. Rachel looked at me with shocked and I pulled Leah close. I rock her and Mom was running in the house, I rubbed her back and she sobbed in my Superman hoodie. I saw Mom was running out with our backpacks, she threw at us and glared at a guy.

"You are not my childern." She spatted and walked away. I got up and picked up Leah, I walked to the woods and had the bags our back.

"Lucas, is everything gonna be okay?" Leah asked as her blue eyes was glossy and I sighed.

"Yeah, everything will be okay, I promise to take care of you." I said as she smiled.



*Flashback Over*

 I cried in the couch pillow. I didn't keep her safe, I didn't take of her. I let her die infront of my eyes. 

Breaks POV

I sat on my bed, and stared at the wall. I frowned and tears slid down my face. Why her? Why couldn't be me? I could have I saved her, why did I see it coming? I sighed and tugged at my raven black hair. I screamed and grabbed my trophines, I slammed them on the ground and grabbed my pictures and slammed it on the ground. Glass was everywhere on the floor, I frowned and grabbed my baseball bat.

I smashed the poste4rs, the dressers, the closet. I threw the bat and picked up my bed I threw it across the room, I grabbed the dresser and threw it at the wall, it went threw and my parents came in. They grabbed my arms and Uncle Ken came running in.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled as they looked hurt. Pa picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He brought me to the lab's hostipal room. He layed me on the bed, I thrashed and they strapped me down.

"I hate ya'll! I hate me! I hate myself! Just let me die! I want to be with Leah!" I yelled as Ken put a needle in my arm. I thrashed and finally gave up. I sighed and let tears fall down my face. I never got to say I love Leah, I want her back. I want her here, next to me. Talking about non sense , I should have never dragged her out of Egypt. Maybe she will be alive.

Brads POV

I paced around the living room, hearing Breaks freak out. I sighed and started to walked upstairs. I saw the dresser go through the room, his parents came running and i backed down, I saw Breaks thrashing and screaming. I wided my eyes and let some tear fall, Breaks wanted to die.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Bloom. I wrapped my arms around her and she sighed. I saw Ken frowning at his papers, I turned to him. 

"Breaks is starting to form depression." Uncle Ken said as I frowned.

"Can we stop it?" I asked, Bloom smacked me upside the head.

"Depression, can't just dispear." Bloom hissed, Ken nodded and I sighed. I rubbed my face and fell on the floor. 

"Than what can we do?" I asked.

"Just be there for him." Ken said as I nodded. I looked at the room, and saw Breaks crying. He was crying, the bad kind. The one where you have to bend over and cried, choking on his tears. His chest was moving up fast and he was huffing for air. I sighed and put my hand on the window, I layed my forehead on the glass.

"I hope, he'll be okay." I whrispered.

Heyyo guys.

I'm do forever sorry, for doing that to Leah. I'm hurting too, I really don't like the rude messages some ya'll have sent in my inbox. I just cry when I read some of those messages, it hurts to know some of ya'll will stop reading cause I've done that.

I just am competely sorry, I'm sorry if I hurt ya'll. I guess this book isn't what ya'll expected. I'm truly sorry, I just so sorry, I can't even explain it. So for the readers that will leave for that, I hope I didn't ruin your chances to read my other books, or anyone esles. And for the readers will stay and kept reading, Thank you so much, for staying. supporting, commenting, voting, sharing. I just going through a rough time, i'll update soon, I just hope ya'll will not be mad at me forever.

Well Byes LOVES Yall!! 

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