Chapter 19

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Blooms POV

I walked over to my closet and pick out a long selve pink shirt, along with black skinny jeans. Today at school is gonna be simple. Just the way I like it. I put my long orange hair up in a pony tail with my moms old bow.

I slip on my pink teenie shoes and walked downstairs. I saw Bailey cooking breakfest while Breaks and Brad came running in with big grins.

"Brad! Breaks!" Dad voice boomed though the lab.

"Calm down!" Uncle Ken yelled as we saw them walked in.

"They ruined my favorite hat." Dad whinned like a five year old. Uncle Ken rolled his eyes.

"Where you going?" I asked Uncle Ken.

"Ima go see Kuriko." He said as he left with pink tented cheeks. Dad smirked and threw something at the boys. They gasped and saw white powder on their faces. I laughed and Brad glared at me. Such a cocky twin.

"We have five minutes till school starts. Lets go." Bailey said as she walked out of the kicthen. I frowned and walked after her. We climbed in the SUV and Breaks drove us to school.

I walked out and saw Lucas flirting with some random chick. I rolled my eyes and walked over to my locker. I took deep breaths, I grab my meds and took some. I have bipolar so what?

The bell rung and I walked next to Bailey who was holding Lees hand. I scoffed, we are soppossed to hate the Trouble Pack not love. Yet, I have no room to talk, huh?

I sat next to Breaks who was busy texting. Brad was busy flirting with London while Lucas was flirting with a bunch of girls.

"Ok class, I have a worksheet and parters that I assigned to you." Mrs. Garfield said as we groaned.

"Brad and London. Queen and Bailey. Breaks and Lee. Leah and Derrick. Bloom and Lucas. Ha-."

"I cant be paired up with her." Lucas cuttoff Mrs. Garfield.

"Why not? Arent yall parters in history?" She asked as Lucas crossed his arms.

"Cause bad guys arent to be with good guys." Lucas said as he micked my voice. I cletch my fist as the class laughed.

"How dare you?!?!" I said as I jumped up. Lucas looked at me with a bored express. He just sighed and got up slowly.

"Bloom Jojo, have I hurt you little pretty feelings?" Lucas said in a snobby voice.

"Have I broke your heart? Have I bored you? Have I said things about your parents? Have I said things about twin or cousins?" Lucas asked as the class fell silent with Lucas voice boomed through the class.

"No." I said as his smirked grew bigger. He started to walked closer. Mrs. Garfield just stood still.

"Did I make you fall for me? Did I get stuck in your head? Just screaming where you couldnt take it anymore? Did I ever did anything to you?" Lucas asked me as we was face to face.

"No." I lied on some parts. He is stuck in my head, I just wanna choke but also hug him.

"Dont worry Bloom, I do that a lot to people." Lucas said as he patted my cheek. Brad jumped up and Breaks held him back.

"Dont touch my sister, you asshole!" Brad yelled as Lucas walked back and grabbed his bag. He turned back to me and his blue eyes showing anger.

"Wouldnt dream of it." He said as he walked out while slamming the door. I let out my breath and ran out of the class.

Lucas POV

I know what I done was crazy. I got inside of her head, I know that much. Just seeing the fear in her redish, pinkish eyes. She was shaking with fear, so was Brad but with anger.

"Lucas!" I heard Bloom yelled. I turned back and saw her running my way, I sighed and jumped up. I grabbed one of the hallway lights, and I pulled myself up. I sat on a with beams.

"Lucas! I know your out here! I just wanna sorry. I know what I done was stupid. I shouldnt have played with your heart. I thought I had a crush on Hayden, but I was wrong. Cause I'm in love with you, and no one esle. Please answer me." Bloom begged as she fell to her knees. I felt a pang in my heart, I jumped down and saw Bloom eyes wided. Her face flushed red.

"Dont worry, I love you too." I whrispered and heard a door slammed. Bloom smiled and wrapped her arms around me. I chuckled and hugged her back. 

Haydens POV (Shocker Right??)

I ran out after hearing that. I loved Bloom, she was perfect in my eyes. She made my heart flutter, she made me smile by the slightest giggle.

Now she saying that she loves Lucas. She always told me, how he would hurt her brother. How she hated him, how he was the bad guy.

I huffed and jumped on my motorcycle. I drove towards the prison. I walked into the place.

"Hey Hayden. Your pops is waiting for you." Jake said. I nodded and walked back. I looked at my Papa. He has gray hair, along with his frown lines.

"My boy! How you been? Hows Bloom?" My Papa asked as I flinched.

"Im fine, and Bloom and I are no longer together." I said as Papa frowned and put his hand on the glass. I put mine in his, only glass separting us. I remembering doing this as a little boy. After the maid, Papa married took me in, when Boomer and Bubbles took me in.

"Papa?" I asked as he turned towards me smiling.

"Yes son?" He asked.

"How much does it cost, to get you out?" I asked him. He wided his eyes and I nodded.

Heyyo guys!!

Well did I surpise you with Haydens POV?? I really didnt know how I would fit him in??

Thoughts about his Papa??? Do you really think that he bail him out?? How about Lucas and Bloom??

Well see ya laters. And I will be updating my other stories later, just I have to go to a friends house. ;) see yall!!

♥♡♥·Loves Yall·♥♡♥

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